Zurita asks artists boycotting the Minister of culture once you qualify to the Museum of memory “as an Assembly”

does not carry even a week as nu Evo Minister of culture, arts and heritage in replacement of Alejandra Pérez, and Mauricio Rojas is already in the controversy by some statements where questioned the importance of the Museum of memory.
Rojas, who had a past in the MIR and was exiled in Sweden after the military coup of 1973, said in one of his books that “more than a museum… It’s an Assembly whose purpose, which no doubt accomplished, is to impact the Viewer, leave it stunned, prevent you from reason (…) He is a liar and shameless use of a national tragedy that so many we played so hard and directly”, as noted by the La Tercera newspaper.
Controversial statements that out the man who wrote the speeches to the President Sebastián Piñera found a tight opponent in the poet Raúl Zurita, who used their account on Facebook to refer to Rojas, calling the artists not to take part in any event or activity that relates to the Minister.
“Statements that hurt the most endearing of the people of Chile, its missing, to their shot, to his tortured, their exiles, I call not to take part in any instance in which this character is involved, our dignity will like artists, like” writers, such as intellectuals, as human beings in it”, wrote.
Other figures who criticized the new Minister, as the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Gabriel Valdés, who stated on his Twitter that account “a person who argues that the Museum of memory is ‘mounting’ simply cannot be Minister of the” Cultures of Chile. That should understand Sebastián Piñera and a large part of his Government.”
Alejandro Guiller, Senator and former presidential candidate, said that in this way, the new authority “demonstrates not being at the level of the charge. The culture is memory, reflection and creation about what we were, we are and want to be. Culture is a way to decipher our sorrows.”

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