transl: Coordinated purchase of meat in public bodies generated savings by $1 million to the Treasury

by the collaborative platform ChileCompra, a group of public agencies purchasing system generated savings for the Treasury cer Cano to $1 million.
This, as it was announced, gendarmerie, in conjunction with the Division of logistics of the army and the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile, carried out a purchase of about 800 thousand kilos of meat – beef, Turkey, chicken, fish and pork-, which reached $2.134 billion) US $ 3.2 million).
The purchase, seeks to meet for six months, from September, consumption of 600 patients and staff of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile and clinic qilin; more than 12 000 inmates and 2,360 officers of gendarmerie and 40 thousand soldiers of the army.
Through the coordination of ChileCompra, awarded in early August to 11 suppliers, estimated that you achieved savings for the Treasury from 24% ($ 1 million).
“To cost containment and efforts on fiscal matters that we face as a country, we need to explore the instruments that allow us to achieve the highest levels of effective savings for the State and public purchases play a fundamental role in this regard” said the Undersecretary of finance, Francisco Moreno.
11 vendors selected in this coordinated purchase of meat include were: Agrosuper Ltda., commercial Ariztía Ltda., meat San Mateo Ltda., food S and F Ltda. agricultural Industrial Lo Valledor Xima Ltda, Socosur Luis Bilbao, S.A., meat Sori, marketer Andean AG, America meat.
Previously, another co-ordinated purchased this year, was the tender centralized the power consumption of 10 agencies of the Region of the Biobío, awarded to Colbún, process which is estimated, generated a decrease of 30%, which would translate into a total savings close to $2 billion.

Original source in Spanish


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