translated from Spanish: Vocera Cecilia Pérez turns off the fire with petrol and accused a “human rights crusade to convenience”

with a front tone reacted Government Cecilia P spokeswoman Erez in dealing with the exit from the Cabinet of his colleague of culture, Mauricio Rojas, as a result of their conceptions about the Museum of memory.
The Minister was consulted by the position of the Chancellor Roberto Ampuero, who in the work “Dialogue of Conversos”, lists the aforementioned entity as a “Museum” of poor memory, aligned with the vision of Rojas.
But the response of Perez more than put cold cloths was betting to extinguish the fire with petrol. He left defending the “democratic credentials” of Foreign Minister and then took aim at the opposition accusing a political use of human rights. This, because in the opinion of the owner of the Segegob, “those critics who believe that with this human rights crusade to convenience, can continue asking for departures of Ministers, I would remind you that they have lost the elections”.
Perez made these statements after the oath of Consuelo Valdés Chadwick as Minister of culture. At the Conference, the new Secretary of State was consulted if it does not share the look of red and Ampuero on the Museum of memory. And the response of the successor of Rojas was a resounding ‘correct’.
“Museums are memory and mirror are places where the visitor is going to look, to think, to see tangible and intangible object collections to learn to raise awareness against a few issues, the role of Museum and the country are fundamental, meeting with” identity, heritage, history that we must learn so that they are not repeated”, argued Chadwick Valdes in the Hall of audiences of La Moneda.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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