translated from Spanish: Merchants of Mocorito collaborate in the delivery of uniforms

Mocorito, Sinaloa-in contrast to what happened years ago where there was a refusal to participate, this time for various reasons some traders of the magical people do collaborate with the State Government in the distribution of school uniforms for the cycle, 2018-2019, and useful process that, at times, with long lines, says Blanca Cota, delegate of Canaco.

Families flock to establishments by the uniform and useful school / photography: Matías Rodríguez EL DEBATE is worth highlighting that there are three establishments that distribute this type of Government support in the city of Mocorito, one of them is a clothing in the mere Centre, opposite the Presidency, another is passing the street Antonio Rosales, behind the Presidency and one in the place where the MZ.

Miguel Rodríguez attends a mother / photography: Matías Rodríguez EL DEBATE many families of different communities have taken advantage of this important support, by the way, in a certain way have left gains in the local market. 
 In this note: Mocorito traders delivery of useful support school uniforms

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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