translated from Spanish: Opposition senators also vetoed Castle and do not recognize it as a valid interlocutor

before the controversial appointment of Undersecretary of networks expre ales, Luis Castillo, a group of opposition senators, led by Yasna Provoste, Jorge Pizarro, Ricardo Lagos Weber, Álvaro Elizalde and Isabel Allende, reported that they will not recognize Castle as a “valid interlocutor” for relations with the committees techniques and the Senate Chamber.
In addition, they requested to refrain from appointing him to interact with the Senators of these committees.
Through a letter sent to the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick and his pair of health Emilio Santelices, the Senators pointed out that the designation of Castle, strongly questioned for being linked to the murder of Eduardo Frei Montalva, is a bad sign” Government at a time when the country has reiterated the validity of a real culture of respect for human rights, reason why our do the demands of truth and justice that makes the Frei Montalva family”. 
Equally, qualified the appointment of Castle as a “serious setback for necessary lifting of the ethical standards that should guide the public service”. 
‘ For that reason as committees of the Senate committed to the full observance of human rights have decided to notify you as government authorities that Mr Castle not recognize it as a valid interlocutor for the relations with the committees ‘ techniques and the Senate Chamber; “therefore, request them to refrain from appointing him to interact with the Senators of our committees”. 
“This joint note make it from the tragic lessons of our past looking at the future we want to build and contribute to a country in which the enjoyment of human rights and democracy are pillars of our political coexistence”, concludes the statement. 
The appointment of Luis Castillo has generated a widespread rejection in the opposition. Earlier, was the Health Commission of the Senate which refused the entry of Cabinet to the legislative authority, with the votes of Senators Guido Girardi (PPD), Carolina Goic (DC) and Rabindranath Quinteros (PS), while the Socialist Party bowed to the request of the phalanx of demand their departure.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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