translated from Spanish: The resignation of Red: a reflection of the weakness of the Government

nothing nor nobody can justify the violation of human rights. Never. Under any circumstances. I repeat it loud and clear, so that no one manipulate words or make their own interpretations.
But why we should accept the left to see our opinions? Why in this country is not allowed to criticize Salvador Allende or the works that the conclusion has built to glorify his figure? Chile did not begin on March 11, 1990, and alleged historical truth that the Governments of the left, have been building is not more than an attempt to wash his own image and errors and horrors they committed before September 11, 1973.
What has happened in these days is a reflection of the weakness of the Government against an opposition that uses any excuse to hinder the Government management. Although there have been minor, any Government’s own errors, critics have been commissioned to assemble public scandal through their networks of influence (Twitter, TVN and digital media), to generate an irresistible to Government pressure and force their decisions.
How you going to be more severe the sentence of bingo that approve an educational reform that makes a tremendous damage to Chilean education? How a 5% growth enables the former President to say that economics is wimpy, being that its Government barely exceeded 1%? Even so, the Government is on the ropes. Fearful of numbers from unreliable polls, reacts to the rhythm of the impositions of the street and makes changes to please the opposition.

But in the latest controversy, the error has been double. Not only the lack of character of the Government has allowed the scandal to grow, but – now – former Minister retracted his views and abdicated in defense of what I honestly thought right. The Government believed that the left would leave that Rojas would continue as Minister? Was what it sought only an apology and a more satisfactory response? This form is not to understand how politics works today and how in the context of the public lynching is never going to reach agreement.
Reflections of former Minister on the memory Museum interpret the vast majority of Chileans. So, rather than continue submitting to pressure from the left, we must reform the Museum and extend the study so that it covers not only the facts that occur from September 11, 1973, but multiple causes that began before. A Museum of truth, must give an account of the serious crisis affecting the country in previous years; the violence unleashed against private property, the political groups that are marginalized and the constitutionality of laws; the Congress of the Socialist Party in Chillán, etc., all milestones are part of history, and without whose proper investigation and background, show that there is only a biased view of what truly occurred in Chile.
Knows that the majority of Chileans and not the elite cultural politician who dominates the media and spaces of influence. With the phrase “the people, United, will never be defeated” held the Mayor Sharp, which was chosen in Valparaiso with a minority, since the vast majority of people does not participate or feel motivated by politics and this type of discussions. It is not the people who took Rojas, but was the weakness of the Minister and a Government that is succumbing to less pressure from their opponents.
Today, more than ever, the Government should resume leadership and clear positions on issues that truly care about the country, which led him to win in December. The mandate of a 55% of Chileans was categorical and the defeat of the left is convincing. Therefore, it is time to govern with external agendas and begin to defend the ideas that received the majority support of citizenship.
The only denial that exists today in Chile, is not that denies human rights violations, but one who exercises the right to systematically deny its principles and convictions, seduced by the utopia that the left is going to pave an agreement. While these complexes are not exceeded, we can hardly contribute to Chile to progress and leave behind the mediocrity that we want to carry the obstructionists always.

The poured in this op-ed content is the sole responsibility of its author, and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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