translated from Spanish: Catherine Fulop apologized after his unfortunate statements about abortion

Catherine Fulop in the programme ‘Should say’, the cycle of Luis Novaresio of America, told the reason why he had withdrawn parenting after the 40 years.

The doctor told her that her baby could be born with health problems and said: “Ova and I looked at and, without drama, we said ‘No, of course we don’t have'”. Therefore the driver asked: “is or, if you’d been pregnant… “.

As a result, the actress launched: “of course, and if it came with a problem, I don’t have it because cargo who this problem? My family, because the State does not give you anything. If he lived in Switzerland, I have all the children with problems that you want”.

On the floor was also the cordoban leader Luis Juez, who has a 17-year-old daughter who has cerebral palsy, and he came to give his view: “We also thought that we were going to have a problem, but we have an angel,” said.

Then the mother of Oriana Sabatini apologized public on Facebook: “the sayings that I have expressed on Sunday in the program have to say do not represent my thoughts.” After seeing me in a recording, it is very shocked and repentant for my words. I am in favour of the legalization of abortion, but what I said is not what my actions of all the life I has represented, I apologize sincerely to the audience and to those who I have hurt with my sayings.”

Catherine Fulop Facebook abortion

Original source in Spanish


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