translated from Spanish: Morena members who lost his place in the State of Mexico are trying to recover it

last Friday 10 August the Electoral Court of Edomex (TEEM) announced that it would withdraw 10 councils to brunette who had been assigned to it on 9 July by over-representation in the entity. Now affected members presented an appeal for review and 10 judgments of protection since the determination of the Court as a “fraud to the popular will” qualify.
The decision of the TEEM came after a complaint filed by the Party national action (PAN) where alleged an over-representation of the party.
Read: Electoral Court of the State of Mexico takes 10 councils to Morena by over-representation in the State after the last elections, the 45 councils of fptp, 42 were for the coalition together will make history (Morena, PT and Social gathering), In addition to the multi-member seats 10, with which the coalition had 52 of the 75 provincial councils that make up the Congress of the State of Mexico.
It was so that bread raised the complaint before the Tribunal began the trial JI/135/2018.
The complaint proceeded since the TEEM found improper nominations of militants of Morena as the PT candidates and included topics such as gender parity. In this way it issued the revocation of the territorial.
After the Morena decision it will have 21 county councils and more 11 pt 10 PES; the PRI will have 14, while the PAN reach 5 to 11 and the PRD.
On Wednesday the 10 multimember members of Morena, who lost his place in the Congress presented an appeal for constitutional review and 10 judgments of protection for each of those affected, rejecting the decision of the TEEM.
Max Correa, elected local Deputy of Morena, made trades in the TEEM and commented that of consummated “this electoral fraud the Government mexiquense, Morena would be under-represented in the local Congress by 17 per cent”.
He added that respect the results Coalition part of which would have a qualified majority, which would allow them to carry out reforms to the Constitution of the State of Mexico and fulfill its commitments.
He said the Mexican Governor, Alfredo de el Mazo, would have been who ordered the Court to issue the ruling because “he doesn’t want to” Morena is most.
Judicial review was presented to the Council General of the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM); Meanwhile affected 10 members, each as citizens, they promoted the protection of political rights trials.
“As citizens we are aggrieved because we already had a record that we credited as multi-member deputies”.
It will be the local court who resolved the trials between 24 and 25 August. Where there is a positive response to them, they left open the possibility of resorting to the room Superior of the Tribunal Electoral of the power Judicial of the Federation (TEPJF), with which the deadline to issue a decision on the case would extend to 4 s show.

Original source in Spanish


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