translated from Spanish: The festival of the political mistake: La Moneda run alone and lost weeks ago

Thursday, August 9, the Government surprised many in its own sector with the decision to carry out its first ministerial adjustment, just five months have taken power. The reasons that are given from the heart of the piñerista administration were clear: we sought to set aside communication potholes and the unforced errors that MISTED governmental management and affected the backing President Sebastián Piñera in the surveys, which fell more than 11 points between June and August, giving complete installation honeymoon.
While the Ministers of health, Emilio Santelices, and economy, José Ramón Valente, they have been harshly questioned by a series of mistakes, the truth is that the symbol of the autogoles of the Government was Gerardo Varela, who never managed to fit into the suit’s Secretary of State, reason for which was taken from the Cabinet and replaced in the portfolio of education by Marcela Cubillos. The output of Alejandra Pérez de Cultura was seen by many in the ruling party as makeup and, with that, the bet was clear, i.e. give closed the season’s mistakes, so stop down in the polls and regain control of the agenda to start r epuntar.
What he failed to foresee the currency – from Secom, passing through the second floor commanded by the influential Cristián Larroulet and to the own President Sebastián Piñera – was that the two names that joined the Government cast, Mauricio Rojas in culture and Luis Castillo as Undersecretary of welfare networks, they ended up revealing one political problem more than inside the home of the Executive and that are, today, spending power in turn and contain arson the Government itself.
The appointment of Red ended up raising the human rights agenda in the country, less than a month of a new commemoration of the coup of State and, incidentally, has been installed as a unifying entity of the sagging opposition. It actually lasted four days in office, Piñera took out it, but in that trance his coalition, Vamos Chile, divided and confronted by the ghost of his old sins of the dictatorship.

Castle, the former director of the UC clinic, stays in office and from La Moneda affirm clear-cut that it will be not removed from his post, because in their eyes all announced blocking from the Congress of the opposition caucuses to not recognize it as a valid interlocutor and the publ ICO ethical reproach for being linked with the assassination of the former President Eduardo Frei Montalva, respond exclusively to a “maneuver political”.
Beyond reading Palace, between the flanks has Deputy Minister of welfare networks is the accusation of the DC hid the autopsy of Frei Montalva during its passage by the UC clinic and, also boasts a lapidary summary that was performed in the co ntexto of your previous step by Minsal in same position during the first administration of Pinera.
As he published El Mostrador Aug. 14, research against Luis Castillo threw 13 health enclosures with millionaires increases in prices and serious delays, irregularities in tenders, payments to persons outside of the projects, among others, all living under the item of “infrastructure: hospitals and family health throughout Chile”.
The case”Castle” has added an unexpected friction with the Christian Democrats, something that the doctor in political science and academic of the University Diego Portales, Claudio Fuentes, believes that it can bring one cost to the Government: “you can always re-start the agenda, I think the Government requires is clear the Castle theme. From the point of view political and regardless of the legal situation, does not resist maintain a conflict with the DC, which built some consensus at the beginning. It is a very important link in this democracy of the consensus which sought to boost Piñera and which, however, now collapses it. Have it with a guerrilla opposition war is pointless”.
The ghost of Piñera 1 design who worked for four years as opposition in the offices of Apoquindo 3000, had as most important aspect for this return to La Moneda avoid unforced errors, which were the Achilles heel of the first mandate of Piñera , a point in which not only had transverse consensus on the right and the pinerismo, but it was also located as one of the key factors that paved the triumph of Michelle Bachelet the year 2013. Thus, Palace design supposedly provides maximum protection to the presidential figure, a thorough check-up and rechequeo of data for any determination and a closed political Committee of representatives of the confidence of the President, responding more to the loyalty to your figure than their own parties.
But what is evident in recent weeks only reflects the design made by water, a fissure in the scaffolding that previously had already presented several errors, since the election of Pablo Piñera as Ambassador to Argentina – which then had to be withdrawal-, the defense of Varela for weeks after removal, the failed nominations of Governors, questions to the Chancellor Roberto Ampuero weak management to the communication of the Minister Valente, recommend mistakes invest outside Chile.
In Chile we some officials claim that there is some uncertainty in the ruling party, have no certainty about where you can turn your Government, since they warn that there are two complex elements, such as known pragmatism of Piñera and the undisputed fact of “numbers from polls influence him greatly, you talk about the numbers in every sense”. That mixture, add, generated some concern, because they are unaware of what the President and the currency can do to survive.
For sources, responsibility is not direct from the President. “On the one hand, is the lack of a professional technical team (.) at the presidential level, which anticipate, not only review the Dicom, but also the political effects of what has said, political history, etc. All these elements are today more sensitive to citizenship, responsibility has to do with the direct cabinet which works with the President”.
What makes more noise in the ruling is to be in this situation, with a Government that loses control of the agenda quite often, falling in the polls, losing support, in circumstances that that nobody outside has not provoked it, but that they have been injured. self-inflicted.  Both in the Executive and in Chile we know that there is no real opposition, the centre-left and left without a leader who convene them or with a political project that compete and that is the most paradoxical of the current situation facing the ad Ministry piñerista.
In the ruling coalition are folded, they are not comfortable with the situation that is living, La Moneda errors put in the foreground leaders in the sector, who were forced to have to go out to explain too many times, and prior to the commemoration of the coup, its position on the violations of human rights, something that is not for all very comfortable.
These days came to light the obvious differences that exist inside of the ruling in the matter and that, as not all suspected, finally put the UDI and national renewal on the one hand, and to Evopoli and the PRI on the other. This situation detonated strong internal questions which – claim in the Coalition – “they wouldn’t have what happened if the catch had been made well”.
In this regard, Deputy RN, Gonzalo Fuenzalida, gave his diagnosis yesterday in the third and aimed directly at Larroulet and his team as responsible for “wrong in the Government, is not the President, is the second floor”. A criticism that is not new. You must not forget the public confrontation last month between RN and its own Government, questioning that they were excluded from the nominations of charges and that trade vision was imposing in the current administration.
In Chile we there is a general consensus that, while it would be “shared blame”, the greatest responsibility would be in Larroulet, where accused “desprolijidad in the data check” and a key detail: lack of “people with experience” to remove later tasks. It is well known that the head of the second floor has surrounded by people of their confidence, basically faces of the Catholic University and Institute freedom and development environment, its natural spaces, who do not necessarily have the expertise or political baggage that is required in Palace.
But the internal revolt does not end there, because the words of Fuenzalida ended up together this time to Evopoli with the UDI for questioning what they accuse “the RN strategy’, a sort of alleged operation of its partners of Covenant, because”still not can be removed the esp INA’s appointments”.
In officialdom is living days of tension in the hope of how to decant the case of Undersecretary Castle. RN and the UDI already warned defeat and costs in the last political Committee with the departure of Rojas, by which put his Government against the sword and the wall, warning there is no space to concede to the opposition another dropped from the Cabinet.

Original source in Spanish

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