translated from Spanish: Minsal announced contingency measures before the strike of nurses

the Ministry of Health announced a series of contingency measures due to the national strike to nurses and nurses carried out tomorrow, this purpose pronunciamie NTO’s Comptroller on the exclusivity of midwives in the gynecological areas. “The Authority said in a statement that” the various actions of the plan will focus on ensuring the availability of beds and the constant monitoring of the correct operation of the hospital network and primary care “.” Health services and hospital management teams will monitor, inform, be channeled and will help to resolve situations, in addition to coordinating referrals and care of patients”, he said. After this he stated that “in emergency units, lodge or recovery, drives critical patient, Oncology, dialysis, beds and support services management units will be taken special measures for interim normal operation”.” Will make sure all of the critical beds in the hospitals of the network, and will keep updated information from the platform of the unity of management centralized beds (UGCC) and centralized management of operating rooms (UGCQ) unit “, added the Minsal.Por last, the Government said to “ensure the normal operation of the PHC (Cesfam, SAR and Cecosf), while in the hospitals will reset any activity that should be suspended because of this contingency”. Nurses maintain a conflict with matrons then Comptroller declared illegal the standard 21, removing them the possibility of working in areas related to reproductive and maternity. On this, the Ministry called “build future agreements that will contribute to strengthening the multidisciplinary teams of health”.

Original source in Spanish


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