translated from Spanish: Apart from time zero. Introduction to the future of the Frente Amplio

the broad front (FA) is the first large re-elevation of historical negativity of our time. Hence the legitimacy of its claim to collect ideas from the past, the current grounds of the majority, and at the same time the coming political content. When these three moments are at the heart of the main concern, it happens that the debate between “old” and “new” becomes a dilemma of illusory type. Assume the inherited wisdom allows for, among other things, to look at how everything new has to the old inside – and who thinks this in particular, often manages to detect this in one, and vice versa-. But the problem is that the old is also like a cracked sphere, that between the ruin and drought are rehydrated just as the future, always back heals his wounds, and so return from the grave, hardening the skin frequently. So the question is here just in case the FA may reboot starring in that circle of three historic times. On this fundamental issue, will be then deducted the premises of an affirmative answer to that question, separated in two moments (form and content), and organized all of them in the manner of an introduction to the (problem of the) future of the FA. These premises are largely the result of a reading book Mayol and Cabrera, FA at time zero.
Five premises of form in the first place, the idea of the future brings with it the immediate need to accept the reality of the present. The spectral absence of policy, passing by outside the world in populations, and the consequent formation of a depoliticized territory, and however strongly polarized, shows the “first old challenge”, which is not but the old issue of vitalizing the policy (and politicize the life) of the country with dexterity. Added to this, the closure of the normative dimensions with respect to the good, beauty, and justice, has mechanized movement of our usual certainty, and around her was forged an unshakable faith in the everyday “Infinity” of the market, being thus developed an unprecedented social dispersion force in history.
In the midst of this general reality, the FA has undergone a sort of first evidence – which by the way our second premise-. She points out that actually the most important starts playing is always after the “event”. Not enough therefore to interrupt driven, if anything the “background” not obtained from there a new “figure”.  The crucial point is that the elaboration of this figure implies at the same time the need to move forward from that disruption to the political leadership At this point it appears then the third premise for the future of the FA, namely the condition of thinking-and-acting from a “new” idea of the unit and its species. But such premise will be to first learn to recreate the germ of his own birth.

In fact, you could say that the FA is the first historical manifestation, in the present era, the great “different drive“, or that type of unit that is displayed as multiple self-determination. This same form was in fact its greatest virtue, to have been constituted as the element that made it possible to give massive political difference, thus acting as the expansive Center of all challenges. Today it is then to develop this same germ to set up a new unit sociopolitical effectively occupying the place of that largest Center. Here is therefore the way, and perhaps the task more urgent (but harder) meet, this is, the liberating creation of a unit proportional between the FA and the majority. In this simultaneous gesta of the adentro and the outside, at the end of the road will be place only for those formations that were able to expand their limits, thereby opening up to terreros, new to collect certain “clusters” of units from there partial between disjunctive areas.
The need of the majority is therefore the fourth premise (and possibility) of the future of the FA. Said in particular, a Government head will be viable only in the hands of this majority and transverse unit. But the interesting thing here is that composed of such integration is today demanding capacity to incorporate awareness of all complaints, and take in it, that itself will be exceeded again by the radical vitality of demonstrations social. The challenge is thus to become the expression self-fulfilling of those manifestations, under a certain “band” mode of political instruments. This tendency to erode the membranes of the institutions by the effervescent elements of emancipatory forces is asking the FA to be today, as well as Groove that channels the energy, its “absolute form” or the unit projective of all movements. This unit subordinate shall comply with then newly its destination when it is capable of weaving the historical network of all processing agencies.
At the beginning of a new cycle, the FA has been called to become the first catalyst for the entire critical forces to the established order. The consolidation of the unit Systematics of their modes of action contains therefore the possibility to complete the current phase of “reiteration” – or “discounts” from the so-called transition-, and move forward from there, already embodied of citizenship towards the new dynamic content, it was political. In this sense, everything will depend on his ability to give shape to content (and content to the shape) of the political and citizen. The effective realization of this complex multiplier between the form and the political and socio-cultural content can be then called with property unit head .
But such unit requires from the beginning, and this is the fifth premise, a communicational power developed, the political capacity to project their motives, and becoming in this way a force attractive extensive character. The goal here consists of the configuration of that strong circulating between the concepts and reality, thus combining incessantly with the other, and forging the differential link from the multiplicity of territories and towns along this road. This unit is therefore conflicting and contradictory – because politics is the habitat of the negativity-, but it will also be constituent and autonomousall time to strengthen its internal institutional system through deliberative processors that detach the escalation of conflicts. Such action to fortify in its structure, and out his relative unit with the active spheres of society, will lead insurance to continue creating thematic instances around the areas of dissent, and will this mod or exist as that unity together the fragmented, and along with it you can finally begin to build the “Kingdom of freedom” beyond the market – see here the column of Antonio almonds and Roberto Vargas, “the challenges of the front Ampl ‘ “io, the meaning and scope of a convergence of left”, El Mostrador January 29, 2018-.
Therefore this type of correlative forces unit comprises today the meeting of a “multiple line” which connect the immediate dispersal of forces and ensuring also the participation of each singularity in the overall process. But innovate in such a way in these axes of action will mean also to update the network of knots around the concepts unit projective where will be precisely those concepts which will tend to make visible the invisibl e, showing not only the internal contradictions of the multiplicity of powers and theoretical differences, but they tend also to form the great “syllogism”, entitling his radical movement, on the one hand, to subsume the discussion of the rivalry philosophic present internal, and on the other hand, infer future programs to the external, and lathe to everyday tragedies that most live. FA unit is thus faced the challenge hold herself in the runout, to expand and intensify at the same time, question involving first and foremost the continuous opening of its institutions and the tireless approach to the bases, with the object end to make social life their vital pulse and its infinite rhythm.
Four premises of content in the background, the problem and also the latent opportunity, lies here in the productive nature of the movements of the city. The point in particular is that those movements are being created every day, and is a matter of the FA to reformulate roads that enter and be part of those hotbeds of germination. The political issue, and this is the first premise of content, then passes by the also immediate need to be incorporated in the best possible way to “post-fundacionales events”. Without going any further, and thinking from the present, a feminist wave flooded the political life of the country, and with her usual sense of things was flooded deep. Starting from this scenario, the FA is is playing the possibility of emerge from that waves of the history, under the horizon of win them concepts in game, and get to move is in this element as a wave front.
Said in brief, the political problem today gravitates around the consolidation of practices institutional and the consequent establishment of projects and organizations founded from the know feminist – see in this connection the meeting opened Julieta Kirkwoodorganized by autonomous left, between June and August 2018. The embodiment of this theoretical and practical reality in the political life of the country will tend safely to open new sides allowing to place notions and values, to be able to thus give way to legislation to come.
Now assume the feminist twist in the tradition socio-political on the left in particular, supposed to also install those as true universal concepts, expressed in each particular requirement: all spin brings with it the imperative to a new configuration, to thus correspond to the content of reality that has erupted, and the pending FA configuration, given a possible virtuous circle, should just turn around the construction of certain articulators devices that ensure the difference of identities, and thus attract those multiple voices that can form a single chorus.
The FA has then been challenged by the future, and the question that lies here is whether he will be able, and this is the second premise, let it permeate by feminist reason and to build together with their ideas so the complete system of the liber ation. This is therefore the subject of background, the fulfillment of the ancient promise that “Kingdom of freedom” modern deployed as self-determination and participation in the objective life of the “spirit of a people”. However, and in circumstances “Kingdom of consumption” already created the veil of our visions and illusions, likely also for this reason that the future of FA depends on more and more of its capacity to be able to project new illusions. Here the challenge is then to the old problem of achieving attract desires, understanding the misunderstood; appreciate the invaluable (and also the absent witness), and be thus finally the great voice of the forgotten silence.
The future of the FA is occurring, and along with it the urgency to act simultaneously, thus boosting its “lacking contrasts of mediation” has appeared. Inside of them, exemplary glitters that “having to prioritize” antinomy between, on the one hand, parliamentary, and on the other hand, base organization citizen, in circumstances which the subject main, and with it the third premise is in to develop the concomitant unit of both tasks. Extend constituent impulses and to stimulate citizen politics pregnancy here takes the form of a reflection type internal and external to the movement that inhabits the deep country’s history. And the FA, as a product more of this story, there will be incarnated human labour that produced it only if it is able, by the side of the bed, of reforming the debt market and morality which holds it, and by the side of the citizen organization creating at the same time “a hundred, two hundred, three hundred Valparaiso” throughout the territory. But this problem demands also the incessant spread of central power in the “community unit”, in order to ensure this is the widest possible participation, rights and effective freedom of individuals and communities. Pluralize property, languages and organizations under the mode of a binding democracy requires then splitting stressing the need already consecrated in the first Government program of the FA, namely, that of a Constitution via Assembly, which “despinochetice” to Chile, and insert it with it to the end in the circuit of Nations of the 21st century.
The country has begun a new phase of life, and the future of the FA will depend on the speed with which mature mental structures of their agencies, the degree of unification towards internal, multiplication and force identification towards the outside, and his talent for to express the life of the “exomundo” in political art. The problem of carrying the new cycle to the maturation of their content, and become the hope of the corners, there is however today asking the highest political wisdom, and last of all the premises, that is, the Organization of life whole s inside u work itself. Certainly in she will released another link with the so-called “young age”, and both will be in this “new” unit autodeterminada the knowledge of beauty and inner beat to all our actions. An avid life FA is now the target of creating the cosmos for coming, and thus embody back to the grandiose Gea, personification of the origin, and engendered by itself from the absolute chaos. But to know the end of this history you will let Cronos to do its work.

The content poured into this op-ed is the sole responsibility of its author, and not ref necessarily push the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish

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