translated from Spanish: Wisdom, fairness… and only two young; AMLO Cabinet

Mexico.-the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which will start on December 1, will have the Cabinet with higher average age in the last two decades. You can also read: the meeting of AMLO with CienfuegosEn counterpart, will be the Cabinet with as many women at the head of federal agencies, including the Ministry of the Interior, which, for the first time, will be occupied by a woman.

Special image / reform also read: AMLO postpones meeting with average embajadoresEl of age of employees of first level of Lopez Obrador is 57.9 years; While that of Vicente Fox officials taking protest was 52.2 years; of Felipe Calderón of 51.4 years; and Enrique Peña Nieto, from 52.3 years. Those who are still missing are pending appointments to the Secretariat of the national defense, the Navy and the Office of the Attorney-General Secretariat. Julio Scherer, of the law firm’s Presidency, is 58 years old. Javier Jiménez Espriú, proposed for the Secretariat of communications and transport (SCT), and Manuel Bartlett, profiled to the Federal Commission of electricity (CFE), are members of greater age of the Cabinet of Lopez Obrador, with 81 and 82 years, respectively. Young people, on the other hand, are Luisa María Alcalde, proposed for the Secretariat’s work, that will reach the position with 31 years; and Roman Meyer, profiled for the Sedatu, who will lead the unit to 35 years of age.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Photo: The former reform agency in the Fox Cabinet, the oldest Member was Ernesto Martens, who arrived to the Sener to age 67; and the youngest was Josefina Vázquez Mota, who occupied the Sedesol at age 39. At the start of the Presidency of Calderón, the Member with the older was Abelardo Escobar, who had 68 years to reach the Secretary of agrarian reform; and the youngest was Genaro García Luna, who with 38 years headed the SSP. In the Cabinet that started in the Government’s penalty, the older officer was Manuel Mondragón, who at age 76 occupied the Ministry of security; and the younger age was José Antonio Meade, who at age 43 was head of the SRE.

Special image / reform by gender while, with respect to the number of women, Fox began with three Secretaries of State, Calderon with four and penalty with three. Cabinet of Lopez Obrador, on the other hand, begin with eight women: Olga Sánchez Cordero, in front of Segob; Luisa María Alcalde, in the Ministry of labour; and María Luisa Albores in the welfare Secretary, Social development today. As well as Irma Sandoval, SFP; Alejandra Frausto, in culture; Graciela Márquez, in the Ministry of economy; Rocío Nahle, in the Sener; and Josefa González Blanco, in the Semarnat.En this note: new Government AMLO Cabinet

Original source in Spanish

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