translated from Spanish: More than 50 years in prison for two hijackers wholesaler of Ario de Rosales, Michoacán

Morelia, Michoacan.-the Attorney General of Justice of State (PGJE) obtained judgment at 51 and 53 years in prison, respectively, against two responsible of the crime of kidnapping, made in the year 2015 in the municipality of Ario de Rosales, in tort from a dealer.
The judge found sufficient evidence by the agent of the Public Ministry of the specialized unit of combat the abduction (UEC) to sentence a José Luis A., and Arturo A., who on May 23 this year, deprived of freedom to the victim.
During the development of the investigations, it was established that the day of the incident the victim transited among by a dirt road that leads to rancho El Agostadero, site where he was intercepted by the now sentenced who ultimatum with firearms.
The victim was taken to a mountainous area called Canyon wave, site where they held him in captivity, but the next day managed to flee and the corresponding complaint to the UEC.
Derived from these facts, was sought before the Court the respective arrest warrants, same which were presented and subsequently filled out by police officers.
Once the process unfolded, the judge of the cause considered sufficient evidence presented for sentence to José Luis A., and Arturo A., 51 and 53 years in prison, respectively, for his responsibility for the crime of kidnapping.

Original source in Spanish


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