translated from Spanish: Time trial Superintendency: announces that it will formulate charges against ENAP Quintero crisis

Cristian Franz Superintendent reported this Wed night Wednesday which will present charges against the national company of oil (Enap) by pollution than from two weeks ago affects the communes of Quintero and Puchuncavi. 
“After a process of investigation that included numerous visits by control more than one dozen of installations of industrial lace, the taking of statements to different stakeholders, employees and executives of all companies surveyed, takes of” shows and laboratory analysis, modeling of the behaviour of various environmental variables (…) the Superintendency has reached the following determination: ask the company Enap refinery joint-stock company, owner of the Maritime Terminal project Quintero, for the use of their liquid industrial waste treatment system, in conditions other than those approved environmentally, which has involved the exposure of large quantities of hydrocarbons to the weather and the consequent emission of volatile organic compounds in such circumstances that have significantly affected the health of the population of Quintero”, said the Superintendent. 
Also added that “the misuse of the system of treatment is mainly expressed in the introduction of fluids other than as authorized, a removal efficiency of less than the committed to the environmental assessment, the dumping of fluid system in” contravention to as authorized, and the introduction of fluids into units or facilities other than those authorized by the RCA”. 
The presentation of the results of this investigation represented a time trial for the Superintendence of the environment (SMA) task, then that Tuesday night, Carolina Schmidt Minister establishment within 48 hours to deliver reports, in middle of a conflict where rage the citizen has been in crescendo under the anxious gaze of the Government.
“Quintero from today begins with the more aggressive actions”, said one of the spokesmen for citizens in this day where the area is again under yellow alert and there were a series of protest actions as transit of one of the main roads cutting entrance to the industrial park, the demonstration in front of the company Oxiquim and the Santa Filomena College decision.
Although Schmidt’s words have more sensationalism that reality – last week the own Superintendent said that these days they would be the conclusions-, the tone of public location of the Government towards the environmental authority did not call the attention.
Last month, when the first episode of contamination occurred in Quintero, the Government aimed directly to Enap as perpetrators, fact by which minsitra Schmidt was harshly questioned in a statement clearly rushed, especially considering his links with Oxiquim. 
To these allegations, the national petroleum company quickly presented their disclaimers. On that occasion, the general manager Andrés Roccatagliata, ruled that ENAP was the cause of the environmental crisis. “We do not issue these gases, reports are inconclusive, therefore this toxic cloud, that is supposed to be composed that is not issued by ENAP”, said.
Again, history has been turned upside down, and is the SMA which blamed ENAP pollution in the area. 
But in addition, with the aim of “clarifying the reasons that led to a group of people to attend the day of yesterday at assistance centers of Quintero, Cristian Franz Superintendent issued a measure of request to Codelco and AES Gener in detail” time of the last 72 hours regarding emissions of compounds regulated both by the foundries standard as the standard of thermal power stations”. 
Also requested “to all establishments of industrial cord, in order to provide on a daily basis and for 30 days in a first stage, the information concerning their conditions of operation, contingencies and reporting of emissions” atmospheric”.
Finally, noted that “the inspections will continue running just as they have been developed so far, with the aim of further raising information that may be useful to determine if there are breaches in the origin of these facts, in” environmental matters”. 
The plan of the Government in the framework of the pollution that exists in Quintero and Puchuncavi, and then that the SMA announced the findings of its investigation, President Sebastián Piñera announced a series of actions to enable the inhabitants of both communes “live in” a pollution-free environment and that may have safety concerning health especially children and older adults”. 
“This plan includes, first of all, a permanent and independent system of measurement of gases and pollution that is going to be on the water, air and soil”, said the National President, which added that in the next 90 days, you will implement a “plan integ “ral of decontamination, because today that plan, although they do not create it, does not exist in Quintero and Puchuncaví”. 
As a third step, the head of State reported the implementation of a special plan with emergency measures as the field hospital which is installed in Quintero and the “ortalecimiento with medical specialists, neurologists, pediatricians, bronchopulmonary,” psicolgos and social workers. But also with permanent measures such as the construction of the new Cesfam in Puchuncaví and also the new Cesfam in Quintero, restructuring and modernisation of the hospital”. 
President Piñera announced that tomorrow and arrive in the country you missions of experts from the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization, who will collaborate to make this plan a “definitive solution”. 
Finally, the President said that “we have asked ENAP to ensure that it will not emit more gases or more odors at its plants (…) and for that you need them to waterproof cover so that they are not as they are today, outdoor and therefore with the possibility of contamination. We are investigating the causes of the phenomenon of contamination that occurred yesterday, and the Superintendent is asking Codelco (…) information.” 
Investigative Commission met for the first time while both, this evening was held at the National Congress the first session of the Commission of inquiry which will determine responsibilities in cases of environmental pollution and damage to the health of inhabitants of Concón and Quintero, Puchuncaví sacrifice zones in Chile.
At the meeting, was chosen to the parliamentarian who will chair this Committee which will operate for 90 days, being elected the Deputy head by the District 6, Diego Ibáñez, who thanked the confidence and said that “we need progress in an investigation that does not” conceal private companies, laying down what are the political and administrative in the mishandling of the crisis”. 
“We’ll be together with all parliamentarians, crosswise, to make progress in clarifying what are the causes of the violation of the human rights of children in Concón and Quintero Puchuncaví”, added Ibañez. 
“We will be sitting Mondays at 6 in the afternoon, we hope that this initiative soon throw results that will allow us to move forward in protecting the quality of life and the right to live in an environment free of pollution,” ended the parliamentary. 
The process of Franz Franz assumed his duties on March 17, 2014, under the previous Government of Michelle Bachelet, but then it was confirmed in the piñerista administration by Minister Marcela Cubillos. In his few appearances on the press, it has held that you feel the support of the President and the Minister, but the picture seems to have changed.
According to which explains the second, removal should generate a request of “non-voluntary resignation” from from the Ministry of the environment and of his superior, Carolina Schmidt. Subsequently, the portfolio must be notified of disengagement the Council of senior public management.
Lack of real leadership of the SMA but beyond this specific episode, the truth is that the responsibility of the SMA has been put into question from a more long-term perspective. The NGO Greenpeace, for example, points out that one of the lessons of the current crisis is that in addition to update and supplement the environmental quality standards, referencing standards to the standards of the World Health Organization (who), the episode raises the urgent foster after this emergency real leadership of the Superintendency of environmental control.
“Can someone understand that from the year 2013 until now applied by supervisory bodies of the State have just completed a fine businesses in the area? Any fonda has more audits that polluting companies in Quintero-Puchuncavi. Can someone explain this nonsense? “, said Matías Asun, national director of Greenpeace.

Original source in Spanish

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