translated from Spanish: Scandal in the Provolo Institute of La Plata: denounce 17 abuse sex

a scandal was uncovered in the Instituto Antonio Provolo plate, paved this Thursday September 6 after at least 17 deaf-mutes who were minor to the between 1980 and 1990 educational establishment denounced having been sexually abused.

The searches, ordered by Prosecutor Cecilia Cordfield, in charge of the functional unit of instruction and judgement of the silver N ° 15 specialized in trafficking and pedophilia, they started at 9 and finished passes 17:30. They sought to collect material and information of students, as well as the accused priests.

Sources committed to the Agency’s news file, folders with documentation, and medical certificates is kidnapped from 1987 to the present. Also seized staves of wood, allegedly used to punish children, found in a space that only religious authorities were allowed entry.

The case that triggered the investigation in the PlataLa investigation in the provincial capital began in the year 2016 when appeared abuse allegations in the Provolo Institute of Luján de Cuyo, in the province of Mendoza.

In August of 2017, a 43-year-old man who was a student at the religious Institute La Plata Headquarters said that there the same situation of sexual abuse was experienced that at the headquarters of Mendoza.

A victim in Mendoza’s testimony triggered investigations in La Plata | Photo: TwitterLa victim, which is hipoacusica, said in the the Prosecutor’s office for offences against the Sexual integrity of Mendoza and told the priest Nicola Corradi, 82-year-old, as an author and an accomplice to the abuse that occurred at the headquarters of the Institute and gave details of sexual abuse , ill-treatment and even bad food by clerics to the students.

In addition, to testify as a witness, the man said that he met José Luis Ojeda, 50-year-old, a former Clerk of the institution and other detainees in the cause of Mendoza.

After that statement, and according to judicial sources confirmed, the public prosecutor in Mendoza extracted testimony and led performances at La Plata.

minor abuses provolo Institute denounces sordomoudos

Mendoza silver

Original source in Spanish


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