translated from Spanish: Facebook against virtual harassment: Learn about tools to combat cyberbullying

networks social have a role protagonist in our lives and in the of the kids in our family. Therefore, we have to have some clear concepts to know the risks that exist to relate on the web.

The cyberbullying is the use of Internet to exert psychological harassment among children. The main difference with the bullying (bullying) is the anonymity that prey on social networks. If an adult is involved in this action, becomes in cyberbullying.

The increase in cases of this type of harassment, Facebook launched new tools so users can combat it. 

These “tools and programs” should help people “to better control the unwanted, insulting or hurtful experiences”, said Antigone Davis, responsible for the topic on Facebook.

Users can hide or delete comments in a way agrupadaSe may report the harassment to other friends who are afraid to denunciarloLos users may block considered insulting terms that appear in their feedback purposes of September was carried out a survey which revealed that 59% of adolescents in the United States are harassed through networks and 63% which is a big problem for old people. 

What is the cyberbullying? 

It is the abuse suffered by a minor by another minor through the Internet. The victim is threatened, humiliated or molested by another through the publication of photos, texts, videos or audios. 

How to know if a child is a victim of cyberbullying?

They usually have changes in behaviour such as sadness or depression, changes in school performance, are in permanent contact with electronic devices to keep abreast of the publications that make about them.

What if we discovered a case of cyberbullying?

Talk openly with the child without minimizing or exagerarMantener in secret the situation for the victim not to isolate rating encourage the venganzaConfigurar privacy and choose as friends only to people who know realmenteReportar harassment or block to the harassing facebook cyberbullying virtual harassment

Original source in Spanish

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