translated from Spanish: Maluma apologised for the content of some of their songs

Maluma Colombian singer made a mea culpa for the content of some of his songs, which have been criticized for their apparent machismo. In an interview with the newspaper El Pais, the South American acknowledged that some issues such as “Four Babys” letters could mainly affect women, but doesn’t regret their publication.” How am I going to regret? During a concert in Puerto Rico, that was the most successful. There I realized that the song not only had grown a lot in my country, but internationally. I have no regrets for anything”, he said. The artist also pointed to other genres such as the trap, reggaeton, dancehall and American rap, who for years have treated women as “whores” and “Foxes”. “I don’t want to make me the victim, but I have been pointed out, when this is something that is happening for many years,” he said.” I’m not like (macho). It’s like accusing someone of murder when it has not killed anyone. Tell them me that I’m sexist when I am a young man who has been raised by women… When my parents separated, my mother and my sister raised me and the first thing they taught me was the value of respect to women. Surprise me all the negative comments in this respect, but it is part of the job. It is part of the history”, he said. After this, Maluma expressed his apologies “to those who have been able to be influenced negatively by the content of some of my songs. But it was not my intention to offend. My only intention is to go to the disco to dance, which is a single life and should also enjoy it”. Despite this, he added that it will continue singing the same “as long as people want to hear that kind of music”.

Original source in Spanish


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