translated from Spanish: Power in the shadow of accused Pablo Longueira

since 2013 took a step to the side of the presidential race, citing a deep depression, and qu and three years later she renounced the UDI after being involved in the case SQM, in which finally formalized bribery and tax offenses, Pablo Longueira Montes left the first row of political decision-making and came out of the situation. But, despite that, his power in unionism has not been weakened, on the contrary, their influence – which permanent shadow – still intact, his voice is still law for several in the party, and if not, it is at least considered key part of internal political reflection. Its presence is felt in the UDI, as well as its power.
Few are not the labor leaders coming direct to his office located in the commune of Providencia, where settled to exercise his profession as a civil engineer, and others relate to it permanently via telephone in a one-on-one deal. In addition, when “the case warrants” – they added in the party, former economy Minister intervenes in the exclusive group of WhatsApp’s most influential figures that the UDI, which is a part.
UDI sources commented that trade ex helmsman operates politically quite through social networks and that that task would meet it Gonzalo Cornejo – one of the men of Longueira, who along with his wife, the former member Claudia Nogueira, is they would take care to “talk” by the former Senator, both in cyberspace and in various internal bodies of the party.
Among those who often have contact with Longueira, ensure that their political influence has not changed one iota, that his opinion has some internal roots in unionism to all levels and that their opinion remains the same specific weight of the years that was in the first fi of the economic situation. There are those that say yes, that the power of the ex helmsman is not as much as in the past, but only for his personal decision, already work in their legal defence for the trial of the case SQM, to be held in the coming months It would not allow him to be more present in the political decisions of the UDI.

“Not it gets into administrative”, explained in the UDI, but that does make for great themes, for which “sends videos”.
The presence of Pablo Longueira on the Party felt. Acquaintances agree that are own parliamentarians or members of the Board who come in contact with him, “to consult or to find a guide”.
Its last partisan public appearance was at the beginning of 2017, when, through a video – appeared alongside then-presidential candidate, Sebastián Piñera, supporting the campaign of refichaje of the militants of the UDI, process he underwent all the Parties institutionalized in the country. On the occasion, in unionism discarded it were an eventual return operation, but among its partners of RN did not cause any grace and Cristián Monckeberg, who at the time was coxswain of the collectivity, described that appearance as a reality show, in so much so that Senator Manuel José Ossandón added that “it makes me sad when one sees that they are pleading for a pair of firms in a major party”.
In August of this year, Longueira celebrated its 60 years with a big celebration, a picnic lunch that became Ministers of State as Hernán Larraín (Justice) and Alfredo Moreno (Social Development) and the historical of unionism, as former Senator Jovino Novoa – who is serving condemns sent three-year felony tax if Penta-, and parliamentarians as Víctor Pérez and Patricio Melero. On the occasion, and thus El Mercurio reported it, would have designated front of yours that “despite everything, I am a happy person”.
Since that day, Longueira has had no public appearances, but is known from his last speech in the so-called country themes. It’s the downturn that Government lived when the presidential veto in moments that are discussing project reset the minimum wage and that ended with the coin throwing foot back. A move that didn’t to anything former Senator, who made it known to their closest and, thus, to get the message to La Moneda.
Map of Paul who hold power in the party, Jaime Guzmán and do not necessarily have currently charges to his credit, know the force that has the name of Longueira, none of them calls into question that, even under the rules of “a militant “, a vote”, in the UDI just a Colonel telefonazo: “Has the ability to move the angle”. Influence of Pablo Longueira is tenacious, highlights some of its nearby.
Not a few parliamentarians UDI, especially of the new breed, claim that the ex-Minister has no influence, which “has not intervened” and even that – as says – “never I’ve heard of it in decision-making”. But the explanation is simple: the red phone of Longueira is not for everyone. Its scope of line watching generation who share with him, to those who sponsored politically and those who were related in his work in the constituency in Eastern Santiago, where he was a Senator.
Regarding those who sponsored and with whom he maintains a close relationship, are former Senator Gonzalo Uriarte, former Chief of base and who 2015 testified before the Prosecutor Ximena Chong on the case investigating the political silvers; former President of the youth wing UDI, Marcelo Rojas; and the Deputy María José Hoffmann. They are joined by the Mayor of La Florida, Rodolfo Carter; the Minister of national property, Felipe Ward; and the Undersecretary of mining, Paul terraces.
Of the old standards of the trade shop, highlights the current community leader of Las Condes, Joaquín Lavín, former Mayor Francisco de la Maza, and the current Secretary, Mario Varela.
In La Moneda allege that Longueira maintains intact its fluid relationship with his friend, the Minister of the Interior Andres Chadwick-“growing together” politically in the party, and although less frequently, also it would communicate enough with the Minister of Justice.
Gremialistas internal year-end party founded by Jaime Guzmán must decide between the re-election of current President, Jacqueline van Rysselberghe, or bet on Deputy Javier Macaya. Both are working on the development of their campaigns, where show new props that occupies an important place.
If more than one today is in the UDI to what you say or think a Colonel is not of great importance and that they are “extinct”, the truth is that this is not so, and realizes the attempt of the two commands to obtain the permission of greater trade figures of that, as much as they ninguneen them, the colonels are still in force.
And for Longueira, from dissent refers to your figure with some frustration, given the historical closeness has coxed UDI and known by all. Although they say that there have not been concrete signs, more of one in the circle close to Macaya assumes that the support of the former Minister will hardly fall on your sidewalk and dan as the key argument irrefutable fact: Cecilia Brinkmann, spouse of Longueira, worked with “the Coca”in his last election campaign.
To redress the balance, since the circle of Macaya believe having the support of other colonels, as Senator Juan Antonio Coloma – since your child member with the same name is part of the dissident list-Novoa.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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