translated from Spanish: What happened in the building of Recoleta where died a woman who fell into the void?

a woman was found dead in the lung of a building of Recoleta after falling from a ninth floor. The first version of the fact holds that the victim would have robbed a man after sleep, but there are doubts about this hypothesis. They are trying to determine now if this was really true, or if it was an accident. The fact became known yesterday, after a call to 911. Personal station neighborhood 2A went to a property located in Avenue to 1700 and found a deceased woman. 
The victim was identified as Micaela Vitale, had 30 years and four children.

Agents began to tour the building and, on the eighth floor, a bag with clothes, perfumes and the cell of the man with whom the woman had been found.

Micaela Vitale, the victim | Photo: Facebook after consultations with various neighbours, arose the owner of one of the departments of the floor and said that you paying him is his nephew, of Chilean nationality, so he lived in the place. To enter, police found that the environment was scrambled. Also surprised the sleeping man, who then told them that he had occasionally met a woman, that they had been taking something and did not remember anything else. As spare, offered more details: he told that he had fought with his spouse and, by way of revenge, llamoa a woman with whom he had sexual relations. In the living room were four empty beer cans and Clonazepam pills.
Women psychotropic drugs would have placed man in the drink that swallowed and began to steal their belongings.

They continued with the review of the housing and thrown on the floor and the broken window glasses found in the kitchen: concluded that the woman would be a “black widow”, who wanted to escape there and fell into the void. But investigators now wonder why they wanted to escape out the window if I had slept a man. An initial review of the body, the coroner noted that it had scraped the area of abdominal injury that apparently had caused when he went out the window. The case is being investigated by the head of the Prosecutor’s Office correctional and Criminal N ° 51, Nancy Olivieri. 


Original source in Spanish

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