translated from Spanish: Oh, Brazil: of the submarine was not and the questions that they are

is the use we give to Oil PA promoted a serious problem, which brings a climate disaster, they say many scientists. Energy pillar of our civilization, it seems immovable pillar, there where the money has kidnapped no return policy, i.e., where the real economy is kneeling before a financial capitalism that only look at the navel is amoral and call capitalism’s casino, a quiet exercise to a minority.
At the same time, contemporary abuse of oil, under the aegis of consumerism (consumerism that casino capitalism needs to exist), helps to create an environment favourable to the cultivation of the apocalyptic imagination that abounds in our time, which, with its films and his preaching, leaves us at the same time as next disaster. However, it likely fed up that, under a global regime of socialist central planning (you could imagine, with nostalgia and uchronia, exempt of consumerism), fossil combustion continued to be a serious problem. Total, industrialization came with the same ferocity on both sides of the Berlin wall.
And still all this true, it is possible to appreciate, from Latin America and what is worth by itself, that aborted national developmental sleep towards 2008 hatched in the minds of three powerful, now imprisoned allies: Othon, Lula and Odebrecht, i.e. a military , a politician and a businessman, quasi-authors of the first South American nuclear submarine, which would be entirely manufactured in Brazil, including its radioactive fuel, and that he would be produced in centrifuges designed by Admiral Othon, educated at MIT. In this dream, which became project, a nuclear submarine patrols the blue Amazon (i.e. the Atlantic Ocean), protecting these huge Sea oil reserves which, in the words of Dilma, chanced 50 years of free public education and quality.
What powerful interests overcame such a dream, so that not only Dilma was removed, the three prisoners national/developmental, and the frayed Petrobras?, what powerful interests not only aborted Brazilian nuclear program, and its main chiche, the submarine, leaving in charge of the country, instead of Dilma, a President fear that, as he would also have fashion Bolsonaro candidate, will deliver these foreign private oil reserves? Other military, other entrepreneurs and other politicians are, under the new order of things, favored. A Chilean bourgeoisie, i.e. regaladora of national wealth to the highest bidder. In La Cordillera (2017 film) Argentine President is induced, by American officials, to opt for an alliance with the giant of the North, to the detriment of that giant offers you from the side.
As in the movie, in reality the interests of Uncle Sam not conducive with Latin American integration mechanisms and international alternative proposed at the beginning of this century and, even today, Brazil today is active as a leader and engine of the Mercosur, nor as fundamental pole of the BRICS bloc. Are really interested in who, there is a Brazilian nuclear submarine, nor an own to protect, nor riches that projects a block of alternative power?, it was not just in case, in the same process against corruption which led to jail to Lula, Othon and Ode brecht, that the State-owned giant Petrobras, once in expansion, was put on his knees? and it was not the Petrobras, in the design of the PT, responsible for exploiting hydrocarbons for 50 years of free education?. And since we do not agree who that the Brazil plan 50 year periods, as do, for example, the Chinese?

The process against corruption, known as operation lava-autos, where all this national/development plot was shattered, (and, in addition, media demonized to the point of letting the dish served to a champion of morality as Bolsonaro) said judicial process, he said, would not was perhaps led by the Moro judge, educated in the United States, and crony of several politicians on the right against those who weigh, as is the case with Aécio Neves, separate investigations for corruption, mysteriously stalled?. And perhaps Bolsonaro not just announced that, as President, he will be Moro to the Supreme Court of the nation?
In Middle East mirror, the situation of the South American oil (today holder, in Venezuela, the world’s largest reserves), can be seen clearly reflected, dyed, that Yes, an intense blood red. The order governing, i.e. the financial casino capitalism Anglo-Saxon (which is played on the stock exchanges of London and New York) – and a blind bet that Piñera and Macri – requires, to nourish itself, which oil here and there to stay or be transferred to hands private, and which is traded in dollars. Hence, Iran, and here Venezuela, are a big problem. Is it pure causation Bolsonaro and their children, who are also public figures, are talking about declaring war on Venezuela, or Colombia have already been recruited as semi-miembro of NATO?
Also, there as here, the political Charter of religion plays in background, for years. Hatches back at Al Qaeda (which then will be born ISIS), international militia organized by the CIA and the Saudis in the 80s in Afghanistan, launched against Russian Communists first, and then, against Iran. Hatches here at Evangelical churches that bloom, in the Brazilian Parliament, a large evangelical base that embraces the motto of Bible, bullet and ox, referring to the methods through which the remaining rainforests should be transformed in pastures for oxen and people, paddocks where is also declares war to paganism and the “Marxism-cultural” (as you call him some on the right to an alleged plot against the family and morality, originated in the sociological School of Frankfurt).
Cut to the top of the Minaret of a Syrian mosque under the Islamic State, in 2015, when the army of Assad and his secular regime beat in retreat, just before the Russian intervention: the hooded executioner of ISIS reads a sentence, and then throws the vacuum to a teenager accused of sodomy, blindfold, feet and hands tied. A crowd below includes public performance. Once, asked Bolsonaro would do if his son was gay, he said that in such a case he would prefer that his son was dead.
Rational forces – as in the central planning that had Communist dictatorships – have always been there. Streamline the production, distribution and demand: isn’t it this what is required with respect to oil, on a global scale, given the ill health of the planet? Or is that more casino capitalism is needed to deal with the tremendous ecological crisis? And how it works the apocalyptic imagination, shaped by Hollywood, and also by fatalistic beliefs and millenarian, which announce the proximity of the end, as in the Wahhabi of Saudis, ISIS creed and Al Qaeda, or the credo of many of the voters of Bolsonaro (se? estimated that evangelicals are the country 50 million), candidate, indeed, baptized before the lens of a camera in the waters of the Jordan River with folded hands as praying to a God that you can not explain, and who announced that, for the the free land of the Brazil and the Palestinians are terrorists, and that will, when President of the Brazil is Israel’s best friend? It isn’t the only thing now missing an attack of ISIS or Al Qaeda at the triple border?
Is not urgent for the contemporary left take as own challenge this regrettable order of things, and assume the task of understanding these mechanisms of domination (casino and apocalyptic imagination capitalism), to then be able to imagine and propose a way out?

Poured in this op-ed content is the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish

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