translated from Spanish: Pablo Escobar: how died 25 years ago and 3 theories about who shot

A shot to the head ended with life who was once the most wanted man in the world.
However, despite the 25 years that passed, still discussed who pulled the trigger for the shot that liquidated to Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
There are several theories and powers that have been made about how it was the death of one of the most famous drug traffickers of the history and some of them collide with the “official version” told by the Colombian authorities at the time.
The story held then points out that he was a police officer that Longbow to the then-leader of the Medellin Cartel, however, from other sides left stories as diverse ranging from the authorship of paramilitaries to a suicide.
What is known about truth is that the famous Pablo Escobar died on December 2, 1993, with 44 years just turned, in the city that became his refuge and trench.
A quarter century later, BBC world we tell you how it was the fall of who was called El Patrón, which signaled to blood and fire a decade in the history of Colombia.
The Colombian artist Fernando Botero made two paintings on the scene of the death of Escobar.1. The “official story” version more widespread death of Escobar, reported in dozens of books, television series and films is that it was discharged by the then-Commander Police Hugo Aguilar together other members of Colombia’s security forces.
This controversial character became Lieutenant Colonel, then was Deputy Governor of Santander Department and was sentenced for ties to the paramilitaries in 2011.
This year, in February, he returned to be stopped temporarily for alleged illicit enrichment.
“I took the radio and shouted: ‘ Viva Colombia”, account Aguilar about the time of the death of the narco in his book “so I killed Pablo Escobar” (2015).
The police claimed that he was the person who made the shots that caught up with the drug trafficker.
It reached a point where Colombia spared no resources to catch the head of the Medellin.el Cartel capo narco took months fleeing from the police, the armed forces and an elite body known as the “search group”.
United States sent agents of the Administration for the Control of drugs (DEA, by its acronym in English) and the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) to help with the head of the Cartel.
The Colombian Government had been very badly after that, in 1992, Escobar and his men escaped from a prison without major problems.
The penitentiary of the Cathedral was the place where the drug trafficker spent less than 13 months under arrest negotiated with the authorities.
This prison was reconditioned by the same people of Escobar and therefore it was found when it was full of luxuries and comforts.
Colombian police later revealed that the hood spent the time there between football games, parties and visits from his family and partners in business.
They found several coves (hiding places for money and drugs) within the walls of the Cathedral, as well as fine furniture, weapons, equipment of sound, big screens and beds of three meters, among many other things.
One of the favorite places in Escobar.Desde the demise of Escobar’s there was the famous Hacienda Nápoles, his search was declared as a national priority and the drug trafficker who began their days on the streets of the small town of Rionegro, in the State of Antioch became the most wanted man in the world.
With his spouse and two sons confined in a hotel of Bogotá and most of his men dead or prisoners, was left with no choice but to hide and resist in Medellin.
Increasingly cornered, it made mistakes in its attempts to remove his family from the country, which caused that it was located.
According to the “official story”, the merit of having found and given low corresponds to the search group and intelligence colombianos 2. Los Pepes Los Pepes (persecuted by Pablo Escobar) was an alliance between drug traffickers and paramilitary enemies of the Medellin Cartel.
They told a very different version for all these years, largely attributing the merit of the twilight of the dead capo 25 years ago.
According to some members, who even wrote books about it, his role was crucial in the weakening of the cartel, which at the time controlled 90% of the global cocaine trade.
Even though it is rather criticized, the face of Escobar is located in different accessories in several cities of Colombia.Uno of the leaders of los Pepes, Diego Murillo, known as Don Berna, drug trafficker and a paramilitary says that the bullet that punctured skull of Escobar it shot his brother.
In his book “so kill the pattern” (2014), tells his version of the last hours of the narco capo and ensures that he witnessed his death.
“His top aides had been discharged, others were in jail.” “The message we send to members of Los Pepes was blunt: who lend support to the ‘pattern’, die”, narrated by Don Berna.
The paramilitary, who in 2008 was extradited to the United States for drug trafficking, ensures that your organization maintained contacts with the police during any search of Escobar.
He adds that Los Pepes were who cornered and detected the most wanted drug trafficker in the world and not the “group search”.
“His movements were slow because of big overweight that had. He climbed to the second floor, because there was a small window overlooking the roof of a neighboring House. Paul ran through the ceiling when my brother came to the window, pointed and shot him in the head with his M16 rifle calibre 5.56. “, has Don Berna.”
The funeral of Escobar was followed by dozens of people. The paramilitary leader told that later, this 2 December 1993, the dome of Los Pepes festejaría what happened to French wine harvest 1948.
Other members of Los Pepes, in interviews with the press or court testimony came to say that firing fatal Carlos Castaño, a well-known leader of the United self-defense forces of Colombia did it.
3 suicide, one of the most famous phrases of Escobar is “we prefer a grave in Colombia than a prison in United States”.
With this slogan was that the narco undertook a bloody war against the Colombian State and it became the world capital of the killings to Medellin in the 80’s.
His famous motto also served to hold the hypothesis of the trafficker committed suicide on the roof which was trying to flee when he saw that he had no escape.
The theory that Pablo Escobar was shot in the head is supported by the families of the narco, as his nephew Nicolás Escobar, who attended an exhumation of the remains of his uncle and showing pierced skull, said it was a suicide.
The spouse, María Victoria Henao, and his eldest son, Sebastián Marroquín, who published books on the life of the Patriarch of the family also left open the possibility that thus death has occurred.
“My father always told us that the phone was synonymous with death because we could easily track and the day he died called us both, that makes me think that he wanted the police arrived and that he wanted to die in combat. It’s a way to also commit suicide”says Marroquin, whose original name was Juan Pablo Escobar.
The funeral and burial of the ex-Chief of the Medellin Cartel was accompanied by hundreds of people in Medellin, the city where he became powerful, from which fought with everything you could to the Colombian State and in which became hidden and ill his last months.
There are endless stories still circulating in this city about the life, excesses, waste and brutality of the man who was the most wanted in the world.
Stories sail between the legend and it could not be different with the narrations of the day in which fell the pattern.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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