translated from Spanish: Pancho Saavedra harshly criticized Raquel Argandoña to ensure that it had signed the AUC

animator Francisco “pancho” Saavedra harshly criticized the opinologa Raquel Argandoña, who, in his Radio agriculture program, said that he He had shrunk the agreement of Civil Union (AUC) with your partner. In your space with Patricia Maldonado, the panelist in “Welcome” said that “Places that speak” driver had shrunk the link at a ceremony held on the day of his birthday in a vineyard in Curicó, attended by “few people in show business”.” I want to congratulate a great friend of ours, who this year has been his year, last Saturday it was birthday and also married, made their civil union, we refer to Pancho Saavedra, therefore we sent a very strong applause”, said Argandoña on that occasion. That generated different reactions among the followers of Saavedra on social networks. Therefore, Communicator used his Twitter to reply to a user who mentioned the topic.” Dear loneliness, you are well aware that I do news for my work and not my private life, that is something that is not for sale. You quiet that there is a God watching, there is karma, and when someone shoots poison through the mouth, life takes care of give where most hurt”, he said. The animator then erased the message of the social network.

Original source in Spanish


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