translated from Spanish: Total 17 officials sanctioned scam master

the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto reported in their replies to the parliamentary groups on the occasion of the sixth report by the case of master scam 17 officers, have been sanctioned and “14 more are” they are subject to administrative procedure”. 
In the Gazette of the Chamber of deputies were published Tuesday the responses of the administration of Peña Nieto, culminating on November 30.
Regarding a question of Morena, omissions and acts of corruption, be explained that in the case of master scam the Secretaría de la Función Pública has investigated 87 government officials from various institutions, including the Ministry of Social development, Banobras, FOVISSSTE, SCT, Ministry of the economy, the Secretaries of agriculture and education, and the national agrarian registry of Sedatu.
“In the case of teacher scam, different investigations are are integrating. Of the tests or test data that are collected by the PGR, is shall be possibilities for the appropriation or formulate allocation of persons who control body noted as likely perpetrators, and those that research will allow prove their participation in the facts that the law qualifies as a crime”, said the Government of Peña Nieto, in this case in its response to Senators of Morena, without giving details of the names of the officials punished or investigated.
“Sedesol is constantly evaluated and audited, in addition the most observed by civil society. At all times, Sedesol has collaborated with the competent authorities, providing information and documentation in the files of the Secretariat”, he added.
Until last September, was the figure of 11 officials punished by the teacher scam, a suspected diversion scheme that involved at least 7 thousand 600 million pesos of public funds and 11 agencies of the federal Government.
In the investigative report were identified at least 11 officials involved. Between the sanctioned, there is no holder of 11 units involved in the millionaires detours.
In response to the question about corruption, raised by Morena, Peña Nieto Government also indicated that, in the case of the tunnel in the express pass of Cuernavaca – which killed two people–opened is a total of 36 records, “which culminated in 24 administrative procedures initiated against public servants attached to the SCT and Conagua”.
Derived from such procedures, he said, sanctions were imposed 8 public servants who were involved in more than one record; 7 attached to the SCT and 1 to the CONAGUA.
“Sanctions are dismissals and suspensions of employment ranging from 10 days to 1 year, and disqualification for employment, office or Commission in the public service for periods of 3 months to 10 years”.
EPN Government acknowledges failure against corruption Peña Nieto administration recognized what the main “problems” or deficiencies which had “for the detection of the dimensions” of corruption in Mexico, when Morena asked: “what failed to not realize the dimensions that corruption was reaching in this administration?”
The first of these, he indicated the administration of Peña Nieto, was “inefficiency of the mechanisms of detection” of corruption and administrative failures.
“In the area of internal control, the identification of irregularities is problematic, since officers directing that task – the holders of inmates organs of Control and units of responsibilities – sometimes have a high turnover or lack of” sufficient technical capabilities necessary.
In the field of external control, the detection task is difficult since the auditor staff nor has information in real time, with sufficient necessary professionalization for the performance of its functions and there is still lack of clarity about the objectives and reaches the SNF (national system of control) “, said the Government of Peña Nieto.
Another of the problems in the fight against corruption, he added, are “inefficient incentives and culture for the complaint. People do not report acts of corruption, because they consider that the complaint would not make any difference, are afraid of the consequences, or do not know where to report such acts. The lack of complaint generates, in turn, that the authorities have no information to investigate and identify irregularities”.

Original source in Spanish

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