translated from Spanish: France: 80-year-old woman dies by projectile that hit your face

France-wound in his apartment in Marseille by a tear gas grenade, an 80-year-old woman died Sunday in the operating room of a hospital in the Phoenician city; the death of the woman provoked some bemusement in octogenarian Francia.La, born in July 1938 and Algerian nationality, was at home Saturday, closing the blinds of his apartment on the fourth floor of a building near the Canebière, when a projectile it hit her face. She was taken to the hospital of Timone and then to the conception hospital, where it was operated, but he died of “operational shock”, said Xavier Tarabeux, the Prosecutor of Marseilles.

Yesterday in France, yellow vests filled with manure the doors of the offices of President Macron, in their protests against the rise of fuel. Here would be charged with terrorism… #FelizJueves— ★antidoto★ (@Yo_Soy_Asin) 29 November 2018 “We found at home some grenades,” said. But “at this point, we cannot establish a causal connection between the injury and death”. An autopsy performed Monday. Violent incidents broke out on Saturday at the end of the day in the old port, then on the Canebiere, after a day marked by several demonstrations in the city of Focaea, in the call of the “Yellow Jackets”, the CGT, but also a collective born After the death of 8 people in the collapse of two buildings at the beginning of November in the center of the city.” The lady was closing the blinds to avoid tear gas fumes and received one in the face,”said Salim Moussa, lawyer for a friend of the victim, who lives in the opposite building, the projectile who touched it is a tear gas bomb.
Also added his desire to understand “if it was tear gas pump or medical treatment” given to a “fragile” person what was causing his death.

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Original source in Spanish


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