translated from Spanish: Philippines arrests us priest by alleged sexual abuse

MANILA, Philippines (AP) – Philippine immigration authorities detained an American Catholic priest charged with sexually assaulting altar servers in a remote village of the Center of the country, in a case described by an official as “surprising and frightening”. Authorities arrested Kenneth Bernard Hendricks, who was charged in Ohio for unlawful sexual conduct in the Philippines, in a church in Naval, Biliran island province on Wednesday, said the spokesman for the Immigration Office, Dana Sandoval, on Thursday. An Ohio Court had issued a warrant of arrest against Hendricks, of 77 years and which carried 37 living in Philippines, said Sandoval, adding that the case started in United States departed from complaints by alleged victims of the Philippines.

In this picture, taken December 5, 2018 and distributed by the Immigration Office of Philippines, the American Catholic priest Kenneth Bernard Hendricks poses for a picture after his arrest for alleged sexual abuse of altar boys, the office immigration in Manila. (Philippines immigration office via AP)

There was no reaction immediately of the Embassy of the United States, nor of the Philippine church or Hendricks, who was transferred to Manila and was in detention for migrants. The suspect allegedly abused seven victims, who served altar servers in Naval, 50 charges of abuse at his residence, a case that is “both surprising and appalling”, said Sandoval.” The victims were at home and abuses were committed while he bathed with each one of them,”explained Sandoval by phone. US authorities passed information about the alleged assaults to the Philippine Government, he added. Apparently, victims would have been threatened that they would be imprisoned and told someone what happened, he said.” Several of his victims presented statements,”said Sandoval.La Embassy of the United States could revoke the passport of Hendricks to accelerate the deportation of religious, said the Immigration Office in a statement. Hendricks is “a fugitive from justice who is a risk to public safety”, said Sandoval. “We will not allow sexual predators take advantage of our children. People like him should be expelled and prohibit entry to the Philippines.”

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Original source in Spanish


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