translated from Spanish: Watch out, machirulos! We are United, enojadisimas and a lot

what he did that yesterday’s March has permeated so deep all that we were there? Could it be that we go from courts, where the things happen? Do it will be that our feminism is now mature and sufficiently tired to protest, yell and claim on where is the origin of these shameful convictions? A justice that legitimate and plays constantly that our life is not worth and presents women as a disposable body, as a guarantor of male sexuality, a giver of pleasure. The woman as a victim of his own death, a girl with character that if it failed to halt and left to die was because he didn’t want to stop, a Madwoman who decides to murder because neither ourselves we understand, so many hormones confuse us, we head spin. 

Jesica, Cecilia, Lilia, Antonela, Delia, Nelly, Yanina, Tamara, Micaela, Jesica, Marina. All those names, to our judiciary, our judges, our prosecutors and lawyers, are tragedies. Tragedies because those late could not be avoided, irreparable tragedy, inevitable consequence of our actions but the final shot, the final match, the final trigger, the final trompada, men to give us.  “A strike can not be arm two days in advance”, “There is no almost communication”, “Nobody knows that December 5 was March”, “I don’t think that it is massive,” “It is very difficult, 48 hours is not enough”. Well, against all odds, own and foreign, women went back to show that too much organization do not need to go out to channel our anger by die every 18 hours. Why does it take? Because we already have a lot of accumulated organization. 

In addition there nothing but cute not to expect great things and that they happen giant. Nothing more amazing to realize that strength we have reached and leftovers to put a time and date to our tiredness and that we are more than ten thousand women in the Capital, many more in the rest of the country. The mobilization of yesterday was special. Marta Montero, Lucia’s mother, spoke more than 45 minutes non-stop above the stage. We said daughters, recalled how Lucia dreamed of traveling to Buenos Aires with her and who had promised him that it was going to happen. “Here we are, Lucia”, it dropped with microphone in hand and we, down, weeping bereaved.
The pain of a mother is defused a while, she found thousands of us a break short. A giant hug and made love pride seldom I saw. “Girls, women: take care of because here we do not care no one among you”, said referring to the embarrassing failure that left his daughter without guilty crime. Despite the fact that there were three men with her when she died. Despite the fact that she was drugged with drug that gave one of them to have sex when he died. The message that Marta is true, not nobody cares more than we, and yesterday, that spontaneous March, that decision sitting together, made it very clear. As I write this note resonates in my head “are we afraid because we are not afraid” and think of the raw and real in that statement. Not only we are for us but now after so many horrors lived, read, heard, after so many underestimations of both abuse, harassment and abuse, what we have is courage. It is when you face death every 18 hours, what you can to be afraid? 

Original source in Spanish

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