translated from Spanish: Academics of the network U-Nomades by rejection of the immigration Pact: the Government is positioned in the Antipodes of the respect for human rights

One called on the Government to opt out and sign immigration Pact United Nations, were made by scholars who make up the network U-Nomades, a group of migratory studies perspective capacity ntropologica with researchers associated students in France, England, Spain, Belgium, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Chile.
Through a public statement, the researchers raised that “the arguments given are not valid and only reinforce the Immigration Act of 1975, the oldest in Latin America, which is based on migration as a threat”.
In this line, they express their concern over “the direction in which the public policy towards migrants are taking not only in Chile but also in other countries, especially the neoconservative spin and nationalist, where subjects who migrate emerge as a problem social face”.
Below is the complete letter of the Government of Chile group reported last December 10 that do not sign the Global Pact for a safe, orderly migration Regular adopted on 10 and 11 December, by more than 150 States of the world, at the Conference of Marra Kech, Morocco. The UN compact consists of 23 points, establishing a framework of cooperation to achieve the objectives which countries agreed two years ago in the New York Declaration for refugees and migrants.
While the agreement could have criticisms and raise suspicions about its vagueness or with regard to the understanding of what was understood by “orderly and safe migration”, which could entail discrimination towards groups irregular migrants- We believe that an agreement of this nature transnational logic was something basic, a starting point. The agreement entails specific commitments, such as measures against trafficking and trafficking, prevent the separation of families, use the migrant detention only as a last option and recognise the right of irregular migrants to receive medical care and education in the countries of destination. The signatory States undertake in this Pact to improve cooperation to save lives of migrants with search and rescue missions, ensuring that not pursue be legally who exclusively humanitarian character support is given. Also, Governments promise to ensure a safe and dignified return of deported immigrants and not expel those who are facing a real and foreseeable risk of death, torture or other inhuman treatment. Therefore, the agreement implied responsibilities of the on a subject that had usually been placed as an individual problem or issue of migrant population countries.
This negative decision by the Chilean Government, which is based on arguments that are not posed in this Covenant, was preceded by security relative to the position of Chile against the Covenant, as previously, from 2016, was involved in the consultations and negotiations . In recent days the media have fully reported a disagreement between the ministries of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the first decision.
We call on the Government to opt out and sign the Pact, because the arguments given are not valid and only reinforce the Immigration Act of 1975, the oldest in Latin America, which is based on migration as a threat. In fact, government officials have declared that “migration is not a human right”, contrary to the article 13 of the Universal Declaration of the rights human (1948), which indicates: ·         Everyone has the right to move freely and to choose their residence in the territory of a State.
·         Everyone has the right to leave any country, including one’s own, and to return to his country.
Finally, we are concerned about the direction in which public policy with respect to migrants is taking not only in Chile but also in other countries, especially the turn conservative and nationalistic, where subjects who migrate emerge as a social problem facing. With this decision the Government only is positioned in the Antipodes of the respect for human rights.
On behalf of the network U-Nomades Coordinadorxs: Nicolás Gissi Caterine Galaz Marisol Facuse

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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