translated from Spanish: Presidential excandidata says Bolsonaro started to introduce the “Kickback” in Brazil

The leading environmentalist and Brazilian presidential excandidata Marina Silva said today that the first measures announced by Jair Bolsonaro, who assumed the eve as new head of State of Brazil, showed that the far-right pretend (e) establish the recoil in the country.
Silva, who was Minister of environment in the Government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva leads the party network sustainability, referred specifically to the decrees signed by Bolsonaro and transferring to the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for defining Indian, implement reservations agrarian reform and define policies for reforestation.
“Bolsonaro began his administration in the worst possible way. President already proclaiming the backwardness in their campaign speeches, now, on his first day, begins to establish in practice in our country,”Silva said in a message on social networks criticizing the first measurements of the far-right leader.
In practice, the distribution of lands to Indians, Quilombola (descendants of fugitives slaves) and peasants in agrarian reform programmes will depend on the Minister of agriculture, Tereza Cristina Correa, a hacendada who was coordinating the rural homeowners on Congressional Caucus.
“When you transfer the prerogative to demarcate the lands of indigenous and Quilombola to the Ministry of agriculture, Bolsonaro Government offers the executioner the opportunity to become even more violent against those who, throughout history, have been its greatest victims.” said Silva, who played the last three presidential elections and came to be favorite in the 2014.
The environmentalist leader, which has already declared its decision to exercise a responsible opposition to the new Brazilian Government, added that “following the logic of the absurd”, the President also decided in its first package of decrees of “flashbacks” transfer service Brazil’s forest also the Ministry of agriculture.
“The meaning is clear: move it so that it loses effectiveness in practice, i.e. ending the institution”, said referring to the Brazilian forest service, an agency that depended on the Ministry of environment and which is responsible for by the reforestation of areas devastated in the Amazon.
Bolsonaro, a controversial ultra-right by its historical statements sexist, racist and homophobic, promised during his campaign that does not define new reserves for Indians and that would authorize mining operations on indigenous lands.
In a message on Twitter that tried to justify its decision, the new President claimed that Indians who want to integrate into society rather than leave them isolated, they represent less than 2% of the population and are entitled to more than 15% of the lands of the country.
He added that, taking advantage of their isolation, the Indians are “exploited” and “manipulated” by the organizations non-governmental (NGO).
“More than 15% of the national territory is defined as indigenous and quilombola. Less than a million people live in these places isolated from the Brazil of truth, exploited and manipulated by NGOs. We go together to integrate these citizens and value to all Brazilians”, said Bolsonaro on Twitter.

Original source in Spanish

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