translated from Spanish: Curse of January: repeated libretto of La Moneda security

on Wednesday, January 2, in the afternoon, the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, came out to the courtyards of La Moneda to make an announced on the tense situation we live in la Araucanía and q EU deepened after Camilo Catrillanca crime in November: “those who commit acts of serious violence or incite this type of actions, receive legal action that will initiate the Government invoking the law of security of the State, to the effect of” have a response more efficient and more severe against actions that we have seen that do not respect the law and endanger the safety of persons”.
Beside that, pointed out that the Government has filed 18 lawsuits against those who are responsible for these actions of “alteration and of violence against public order”, that there are more than 15 detainees and that the police presence and the PDI has been strengthened in the area, as well as initiate action to “retrieve lands that have been taken illegally”.
The next day, Thursday 3, Chadwick defended the decision of La Moneda’s resort to the law of State security due to violence in the Araucanía. “We want to have an answer that is efficient in control of public order. We do this in the Araucanía and anywhere that produce this kind of facts”, he stressed.
“Our Government has resolved to submit lawsuits invoking the internal State Security Act, the measure is intended to send a signal: this Government is to govern through dialogue, but also to meet our obligation to precautionary measures and maintain” the public order”. The phrase corresponds to the Minister of the Interior, but not to Chadwick, but that Rodrigo Hinzpeter, exact eight years ago, in January of 2011 in the first Government of Sebastián Piñera and even though was not directed to Araucania, but Magellan Region where had int ensas mobilizations by the rise in the price of gas, the solution to which was used to try to take control of that crisis was the same as now.
“Here, law is not applied to the mapuche people as some say, you are applying to the terrorists, they are the ethnic group who are of color that are place that are (…)” There are always those who put difficulties, not only the terrorists, but which make the game to terrorists, because they are constantly defending them, justifying them, protecting them.” This claim is of President Piñera, but not now as of January 2013 after the death of Luchsinger-Mackay marriage.
Déjà vu would not be casual. On the right more than one took note of the repetition of the speech of the Government piñerista to try to overcome the complex situation in La Araucanía, after almost two months in which the crime of Catrillanca generated a strong political crisis that struck with force to the current Administration. “The story on security and public order is out of stock, this is pure desperation,” confided a nearby Palace.
More than one in the ruling party looked with concern that the currency “is dusting off” messages already used, while after that they glimpse a background design.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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