translated from Spanish: How seeks guided the army of Venezuela to rebel against Maduro

“Do not remember gala officials leading to the altar to her daughters, proud of who had entered the armed force?”.
The phrase, from woman to woman, is Fabiana Rosales and is directed to the “mothers, wives is daughters ‘ military of Venezuela.
Who is Fabiana Rosales? For many is the acting first lady of Venezuela, spouse of Juan Guaidó, President of the National Assembly and who on Wednesday was sworn as”President” of the country.
Guided was supported, among others, of the United States, and sparked a political crisis with the President Nicolas Maduro.
The video message from Rosales is a sample of the new strategy of the opposition in Venezuela, that after months of apathy recovers forces pressuring Maduro with an institutional crisis.

Rosales appeals to women soldiers and officers alike that makes your spouse’s way insistent in their messages to all collective military, again key in the country’s crisis.
The National Assembly (Parliament) approved a few days ago an amnesty law that seeks to give impunity to those members of the military to join what ripe rivals consider to “rebuild the constitutional thread”.
The plan is to stir consciences and look for a break in the ranks of the military, faithful allies of the chavismo in the already more than 20 years of the so-called Bolivarian revolution Commander Hugo Chávez led home and now the civil Maduro.
This week, the armed forces suppressed an outbreak of rebellion in a command of the National Guard in Caracas. There were 27 detainees, according to the Ministry of defence.
New era with the armed forces. “you are witnesses of how in recent years their lives have been conditioned by wages that force them to rummage in a thousand ways and receive orders that contradict what they studied in the academies”, said Rosales.
AFPFabiana Rosales (der) is the spouse of Juan Guaidó (at microphone). It is in line with his spouse, suddenly become new leader of the opposition.
“All the armed forces, our call is very clear: from this Parliament, you shake hands and we ask that you place on the side of the Constitution and of the people, your people”, says guided.
The tone is softer than in previous occasions, when the appeal of opposition was not to suppress protests and presented to the military directly as enemies.
“Guided has inaugurated a new relationship of dialogue with the armed forces, non-polarized, inviting them to integrate solutions for the country and look to the future,” he said to BBC World Rocío San Miguel, President of the NGO watch, specializing in security and defence in Venezuela.
“Guided is the closest in age to the greatest number of soldiers that make up the structure of the armed forces. There is an element of interesting identity”, adds San Miguel, highlighting the manners, lexicon and the age, 35 years,”President charge”.
The expert emphasizes the fact that the politician has “military ancestry in his grandfather”.
The military leadership, with ripe however, no sight that break.
The military leadership is firm in its recognition of Maduro and rejects guided, even though in recent months there were attempts at rebellion, assault on barracks and weapons of theft who sought to depose Maduro.
In recent months dozens of soldiers were arrested on charges as treason and instigation to the most famous rebel rebellion was perhaps the police Óscar Pérez, which ended up being killed a year ago in a clash with the forces after months of leaks, security in what many opponents branded as “extrajudicial execution”.
Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, surrounded of other officials Thursday, described as a “coup d’Etat” the swearing in of guided, to which rejected in stark terms.
The armed forces “will not accept never a President imposed in the shadow of dark interests or self-proclaimed on the fringes of the law”, said reading a statement.
In a country that lived three coup attempts in 25 years and that crosses a serious economic and political crisis, it is normal that many heads are placed in the army.
The establishment military maintain strong ties to the Chavez government.
ReutersEl Defence Minister, Vladimir Padrino, spoke in name of the military chiefs of Venezuela.Muchos Cabinet Ministers are military or exmilitares, and also even the President of the State oil company PDVSA, jewel in the Crown and almost the only source of input of money from the country.
And despite the fact that the armed forces should be apolitical, according to the Venezuelan Constitution, the Minister of defence, Godfather, so close their releases: “Chavez lives, homeland continues. Independence and socialist homeland.”
It was also this Thursday.
Pressures within the military?
In addition to the Cabinet and PDVSA, there are officers responsible for the importation and distribution of food, which gives rise to do good business.
For many, this proximity to the money is based on unwavering loyalty from the military to the Executive in the Middle dome of a severe economic crisis in the country.
The link between society and army is constant in the contemporary history of Venezuela.
AFPMiles of people marched Wednesday in Caracas, both in favor and against the Government of Maduro.Sobre all since Chavez to promote the recovery of the political rights of the military in the 1999 Constitution.
“Now with Maduro greater excess has been generated in dependence of the President before the armed force, because it has been losing political support in civilians. It has taken a turn toward the military in search of keep support”, says exmilitar Clíver Alcalá, loyal to Chavez, he accompanied in the February 1992 coup attempt, but very critical of his successor, mature.
Expert San Miguel, very critical with the Government, not see so clear, however, a full membership of the military to Maduro.
“Striking that the members of the high command and units with firepower were late, without being in tune”, it says on the hours of the swearing in of guided.
And highlights several phrases of godfather speech this Thursday, like this: “thank the will of Governments that are leading to a constitutional way out. To that we are committed”.
For San Miguel, are “ambiguous words that hint at the enormous pressures that there are internal” armed force.
The ruling party sees in the swearing in of guided a “coup”, a term that is a recurring Ghost in Venezuelan politics.
“We do not want that they rebel, we don’t want to give a coup, but that they are loyal to their oath,” he says in his video Rosales, spouse of guided and speaker also the message of opposition to the army.
A violent outcome is an undesired scenario by the military, said San Miguel.
“The armed force aims to a peaceful resolution. His biggest fear at this point, the be arbiters of the confrontation between Venezuelans.
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Original source in Spanish

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