translated from Spanish: They discover herbicide in diapers for baby in France

France-various toxic substances were found in diapers for babies in France, among which are mentioned the herbicide glyphosate and butilfenilmetilpropional, used in some aromatic hydrocarbons and beauty products. The local environmental agency, ANSES published a study that found substances are considered as potential risks, like glyphosate allocated to herbicides.

The environmental agency found in diapers are dangerous for children. | Pixabay mentions that children’s health risks cannot be excluded by these substances that are in diapers; While the Minister of health French, Agnes Buzyn, argued in the manufacture of products there are no hazards for babies.

For his part, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of finance and the Minister of environment, François de Rugy presented jointly a posesionamiento of the subject, where called on manufacturers and retailers which shall take the necessary measures within a period of 15 days to remove substances found in diapers which mentions the environmental agency.
The document points out that: “call on companies to adopt all necessary measures to ensure that the diapers are the safest possible” tweet Buzyn and added that “there is no immediate and serious risk to the health of children, but it is essential to take precautions”. In France it is proposed the phase-out of glyphosate during the next three years, and will only be allowed in cases that farmers don’t have another alternative to more higher utildiad.

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Original source in Spanish

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