translated from Spanish: Reginato again in the sights of prosecutors millionaire deficit exceeding 17 billion

The announcement of the Backstreet Boys at the next Festival de Viña del Mar was not enough so the Mayor Virginia Reginato deflect attention from allegations that fall against the millionaire deficit that at raviesa its municipality.
Complaints already confirmed the Comptroller’s Office, which found a deficit of 17,500 million pesos in the administration of Mayor to 31 December 2017, joins an initiated by the regional prosecutor, Claudia Perivancic, who confirmed the opening of a new criminal investigation against the municipality of Viña del Mar.
According to La Tercera newspaper, the supervisory body established “questions to some improper payments to suppliers”, it would have been sufficient evidence to initiate a new edge in the cause to be added to the current regarding the payment of hours extras which had started “on the basis of the preliminary and the reception of complaints to the Prosecutor’s Office”.
“With the final report, there are some issues that have to do with possibly undue payments and with the new edge will generate a separate investigation. Already have been enacted certain proceedings”, said Perivancic.
Among those possible crimes he pointed to the repair of the floral clock, on which the Comptroller’s Office questioned “delivery of 887 plants the Green century company S.A., for its ornamentation; payment of $22.435.363, VAT included, equivalent to valuing that made such signs on the floral ornamentation and removal of debris; and the purchase of 3,200 species of flower, for the sum of $2.691.780, for the same purpose.”
“The payment of $64.473.910 to the company González y Fierro Ltda., by concept of 7 workers, without that or the places where they would have played the work is verified”, is also located in the crimes which would lead to a total economic damage of $89.601.053

Original source in Spanish

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