translated from Spanish: Critical flood social networks following election of Chantal Gayoso as a candidate for Queen of Viña by TVN

at this moment at least four of the top ten Trending Topic (most discussed topics) on the social network twitter, are related the election of candidates for King and Queen for the Festival de Viña by TVN. Signal decided to finally take the dancers Chantal Gayoso and Hernán Arcil, but immediately started the complaints on social networking, the candidate of the people apparently was Geraldine Muñoz, what has been expressed with the hashtag # GeralNuestraReina.Chantal who was a member of the Red Clan during the second season, on the other hand, already left elected Queen of the homeland, in September 2018, and recently managed to turn into the new sovereign of the Festival of the Huaso of Olmue.por alongside Hernan Arcil, had been brought to the medium Fotech regarding a possible choice “giving Me Butterflies in wadding, because it is something that I never imagined. I come from Temuco, a completely humble family, where we watched TV and this was for us family reunions, all around ‘Red’, to festivals. If it is possible, I’m going to carry with pride and very happy because I know who I am, where I come from and I think it would be very exciting.” Some of the reactions on Twitter:

Original source in Spanish

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