translated from Spanish: Do you know of dyslexia?

have ever noticed your son of second or third degree of primary battle more than normal with the letters, is it difficult reading and writing? You are interested in this article.
“Dyslexia is more frequent in the educational reality learning specific disorder,” says Marissa Yamileth García Bejarano, a degree in psychology with clinical emphasis and a Centre for people with disabilities who work (CAED) of Culiacan, specialist who explains this disorder.
It is characterized by difficulty in the acquisition of reading in usual average age, which would be grade-schoolers, more or less between the second and third grade. “First still is not detected very well because the child is just beginning to learn and is very normal for the child that is wrong with a letter, which change it; but already in second, third year, is where begins to present this problem mostly”indicates the expert.
Dyslexic children begin to have problems as systemic education of reading, with a marked difficulty of fluency and accuracy in recognizing written words and problems in decoding begins. You want to read and change some letters, turn them over. Affects reading and writing, because it does not read well, as very hard whether to be able to write well, and very hard is going to be able to reach an understanding of a text. They struggle much in decoding, so the message really so fail to understand.
Problem the psychologist says that there are some scientific studies that have been done, this problem affects more males. And scientific evidence that can come by any neurological damage. Many times when a father has dyslexia, it was found that children can acquire this problem. “But in my experience, what I can say is that the social factor also affects much. Because we have cared for 14-15 year old boys, who can’t read or write, and when you go to the family context give it has is that no attention was paid to the child at some stage the required occupied so that they learn”. A child who does not learn to write well in the age where you must learn, that will develop you others problems that are worsening, that should be detected in time and give the proper treatment.
The disorder is a barrier to their academic and personal development and often also emotional. They are children of second, third year, who can not read and write well, that has very marked errors; many times other children mock and make them feel bad.
The diagnosis, you realize as father as your son, second, third grade, detect that it begins to turn over letters that do not write well, changes by the “d”, “b” has very marked errors. “A father at home, can detect the primary diagnosis when a primary child who should now start with the decoding of letters does not well, this should be a warning. In school take out low ratings, you are failing; all children in their grade are learning to read and write and you notice that your child is not progressing. There you have to ask why my son is so low, I is failing”details Garcia Bejarano. Already then may be the a pediatrician, a psychologist with child, and already is given proper treatment.
Treatment in many cases the problem cannot be reversed completely, because there is scientific evidence that can reach due to neurological problems. But if given proper treatment, if there are many and a very significant improvement. More early age is detected, it is much easier that the child can regularise in learning.
“An effective treatment in the problems of learning, is a process of reeducation with individualized, specific techniques that must start as early as possible, professional help is very important; but above all, it is the role of parents, make their children do the exercises you need to move forward, give support, encouragement, impulse. And is that often parents at home not spend the appropriate time,”said Marissa Yamileth García.

Original source in Spanish

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