translated from Spanish: How should be treated HPV

the Virus of the papillomavirus human (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus, it is estimated that 50 percent of sexually active people will acquire it at some point and most of them do not know they have it already n or specific symptoms. There is currently no cure for HPV, but if treatments for problems generated, such as genital warts and cervical cancer. Some cases of HPV tend to heal spontaneously after a few years of having contracted the virus, the immune system can eliminate it completely from our system, but if this has been deleted, the lesions that causes the cervix You can continue and can only be cured by medical treatment. 

There are some medical tests that help detect HPV that can lead to cancer, this should be to women older than 30 years, there are also vaccines approved by national and international agencies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of States United) that prevent certain diseases, including cervical cancer, caused by some types of HPV, the vaccine can be applied to girls 11 to 12 years. There is more risk of contagion if: you had sex when I was still very young, has many sexual partners, have a sex partner who has had many couples.
What else can I do to reduce the chances of getting HPV?
You can choose to not having sex (abstinence).
If you have sex, you could limit the number of partners.
Choose a partner who has had few sexual partners or none. How many fewer partners has had his partner, lower the chances that he or she has HPV.
It is unknown the degree of protection against HPV that provide condoms. Areas not covered by the condom could be exposed to the virus.

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Original source in Spanish

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