translated from Spanish: Massive was the March of women against patriarchy and the setting

once more thousands of women took a clean sweep the streets of Buenos Aires as well as other inland cities to demand Governments that effective implementation of the policies of S Avalanche and education Sexual and measures against layoffs and increases in rates. Women, lesbians, shemales, trans, bisexual, not binary, fat people and intersex marched beside workers occupied, unoccupied, precarious and popular economy carrying banners with different slogans to demand for the legalization of the policies against gender-based violence and abortion. In the Federal Capital mobilization departed from the National Congress to the Plaza de Mayo, where was the central event of the third stop international feminist. 

Several blocks occupied by a feminist tide from the box the organizers read a document that expressed: “we stopped because todes are workers and workers; We are the kind that is capitalism in the world, the neo-liberalism in our region and the macrismo in our country, through the advancement of the right and imperialism in our Latin America. A transgender woman, a descendant, a representative of the indigenous peoples, a fired worker and representatives of other groups participated along with various personalities of the reading of the document.

“We stopped because organizades strong well say: enough about violence against women at all levels, no more trafficking, no more femicides, travesticidios, transfemicidios, and hate crimes.” “We stopped because the adjustment of Macri and les Governors pauperiza our lives, and the budget of the IMF voted by Congress says that our lives are worth less than a collective ticket”.

Collective different squares and added: “we denounce the directions of trade unions – CGT and receivables – to give back our movement not calling the strike for the 8 M and we demand, once again, an effective general strike by our demands”. Asked, in addition, the adoption and implementation of the quota law labor shemale/trans throughout the national territory and in all occupational areas public and private; social and labour rights for sex and alternative workers of real work for those who want to leave prostitution.
Earlier, groups of girls and adolescents with green scarves who claim the campaign for the legalization of abortion, marched next to women who wore the violet scarf which rejects violence against women and others who, with orange handkerchiefs, claimed the separation of the Church and the Estado.tambien carried banners that called for the rights of the child victims of violations that they became pregnant and could not access the legal interruption of pregnancy.
In the document they also demanded the provision and public production of Misoprostol and mifepristone; the implementation of the comprehensive Sexual education; and national budget to fight all violence. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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