translated from Spanish: Miguel Herrera said that Gio does not come to America

city of Mexico-Giovani dos Santos is not the sight of the America, that said the coach Miguel Herrera, who also made it clear that the player visited Coapa for a consultation with the physiotherapist Carlos Pecan “he, who also works with the Tri.Giovani dos Santos recently it became detached from the Galaxy de Los Ángeles and versions abound on arrival at Mexican soccer.” The truth is not in my head. GIO comes to deal with our physiotherapist who are also friends of life by the family and asked for help to treat the lesion that has. Does not come to America, I don’t know where it will quote Peçanha to treat it, that is not our anger.
GIO isn’t in anyone of the America’s head and now the only thing I have to think about is in my team,”said”louse.

Giovani ceased to be a franchise of the MLS player and broke their link with the Los Angeles club. Against Puebla Roger Martinez has a heavy blow and Nicolás Castillo just today he trained normally for what Miguel Herrera still not defined its eleven to face Puebla.El “piojo” reiterated that the ups and downs are prohibited in the America and think they have in part d ado because such is the quality of the squad that some players commit themselves to think that his companions solve the party with an individuality. The match is scheduled at 19:00 at the Azteca Stadium.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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