translated from Spanish: Thunder producers against Sader, but Quirino imposes

dialogue with the impact of their demonstrations yesterday, sinaloan farmers gave a sample far can bring them despair, generated by an adverse policy of the Federal Government antisolidaria with the men and women working to feed this country. The PRI, the PAN and the PRD State Presidents were there, among the protesters, and also the Secretary of agriculture and livestock of the State, Manuel Tarriba, clear signal to National Palace that this is not a proselytizing ruse of a political group (the current is not even an election year to Sinaloa), but clear expression of the prevailing cry in the agricultural sector for fair prices. The management capacity of Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel was present, as only viso of agreement: in direct conversation with the federal Secretary of agriculture, Víctor Villalobos, managed a meeting to be held today at 17:00 hours in the city of Mexico, between representatives of the producers and the Ministry of agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), in order to permeate the dialogue as a solution. Not reach clear agreements, producers will manifest themselves in CDMX, warned Faustino Hernández, leader of the League of agricultural communities, whose leadership has been remarkable in this movimiento.EN your world. The municipal President of Ahome, Guillermo Chapman, does not seem to realize the magnitude of the political crisis in which it is immersed. The water reaches the neck, and he, as usual; even as they recorded videos uploaded to Facebook, in private makes jokes to a teenager by its weight, size, and appearance. Yesterday was a forceful step in the possible process of impeachment and removal from office by the State Congress: eight civil groups of Ahome delivered a request to subdue Chapman to impeachment. The causes: the State of lawlessness that keeps to the municipality and their repeated acts of violation of human rights, from unjustified dismissal, to the alleged threats that denounced the Ombudswoman Attorney, through the arrest of women police and from then, the verbal abuse and public exposure of a girl in the ejido Goros.Ayer, Mario Zamora went up to the upper House a point of agreement signed by lawmakers from various parties, including Morena, demand that the Senate call accounts to Billy Chapman and that the NHRC appeals the case of the youngest «bulleada» by the municipal President. The situation regarding freedom of expression in Ahome deserves special mention. The attempt of entry forced to the home of a friend from the DEBATE, which had already previously received an intimidating visit after a request for information, thin the atmosphere for journalists, as well as the attitude of the Chief of press David Membrila, who twice has tried to impede the work of another companion of this medium. The worst thing is that the officer was justified by the Mayor. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN. Neither protests nor the Ahome case, however, overshadow the crowning achievement earned the Governor Quirino Ordaz in the framework of the Tianguis Turistico in Acapulco, where the flag of Sinaloa was the center of attraction in the day yesterday, inaugurated by the Secretary-General Federal tourism, Miguel Torruco. Quirino was able to realize, through a meeting with executives, the increase of flights of the Canadian airline Sunwing to Mazatlan, which already had managed during his tour from March 5 to Toronto.El beautiful sinaloense port becomes, thus, the only destination in all Mexico increased its itineraries in the mentioned airline. Congratulations.

Original source in Spanish


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