translated from Spanish: They reveal photograph of Senator Letelier (PS) Ministers of Rancagua suspended

A particular photo shows the Senator from the Socialist Party (PS), Juan Pablo Letelier, along with several that make up the plot of alleged corruption that remains in the eye of the hurricane to the Court of appeals of Rancagua.
The photo, obtained exclusively by Radio Biobio, corresponds to the year 2016 and it appear, from left to right, the suspended Minister Emilio Elgueta, which will be formalised on April 26 as the alleged author of illicit enrichment and corruption.
Then appears the judge of Garantía de Rancagua Gianni Libreti, who made a transfer of 1 million pesos to Elgueta after swearing-in as head of the Court.
Then there is the Minister Marcelo Vásquez, suspended by the Supreme Court and accused negotiating incompatible by hiring her daughter in charge of the family in the region of O´Higgins courts.
Then there is the civil judge Álvaro Saavedra, Deputy Minister of the Court of appeals of Rancagua on December 21, and who voted to grant the departure from the country to Natalia Compgnon, the daughter-in-law of President Michelle Bachelet, convicted in the case of Caval.
The Senator Letelier, who met on 19 November with the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, to address the issue of conflict of these Ministers with the regional prosecutor of O’Higgins, Emiliano Arias appears in the center of the image.
Finally is the Secretary of the Court of appeals of Rancagua, Hernán González, who appears in the telephone transcripts in a case of narcotic drugs.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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