translated from Spanish: Calamaro announced their vote in Spain: support to the far right

Governed by the leader of the Socialist Worker party, Spain is heading to vote for President, even though the Spanish regime is parliamentary and leaders should get a certain amount of seats ala Presidency. In this context, the Argentine musician Andrés Calamaro – nationalized Spanish and enabled to vote – announced that it will support Vox, the new force that stormed the stage and can drag several votes, as he did in his debut in Andalusia at the end of 2018. 

“The historic renunciation of Antonio Escohotado, Fernando Sanchez Drago uncomfortable position and the will of my beloved artist José Antonio Morante. “For my speaking more than debates where tackle are pulled through the head” – VOX (@vox_es)
April 25, 2019

“I prefer the vertigo of the Patriots and reactionary, in their own way I represent more than the moderate”, said in a text published on his Facebook, where critical in addition to Pedro Sánchez of the PSOE, citizens Albert Rivera, Pablo married of the Popular Party and Pablo Iglesias We can.” These four politicians in office barely offer progressive gestures, they offer much less shielding the institutions that give identity to culture. I find it hard to choose between these four boys”, he said. 

The publication was replicated by the Vox Twitter account with fanfare. “The proposals of the party that will support Calamaro are reactionary cutting: they claim to the Franco regime, denied violence, in favour of bullfighting and regressive in terms of income distribution.” “As I care about the common good, as well as my good common you still have something to lose, I am abstaining support candidates presented last night on television”, added the musician who wrote, among other things, Brutal honesty. 
Calamaro had already had anti-leftist statements when he criticized to “the left of the papanatas, the disaffected, the anti-system, anti-Semites, advocacy and marginal cultural”.

Original source in Spanish

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