translated from Spanish: Policy versus technique

With regard to legislative initiatives that the Government is pushing in Congress, as the labor reform, it taxed RIA or approval of the so-called TPP11, underlies the discussion on criteria for the formulation of public policy, which usually materialized through a law, indeed, in the current climate of vilification that are our institutions, not only Government, but also business, religious and since then political, the most recurrent response to livelihoods that must prevail to boost a Government initiative against the dilemma of political criteria criteria vs technical, latter would surely be imposed by an overwhelming majority.
However, public policy or if bills, plans or programmes are not abstract and incomprehensible for people, unlike public policies have expression and affect daily and direct people; much will it cost the passage the micro or the subway, if it will increase or not the rate of interest, if it is possible to study a degree free or if there is more or less round, they are clear examples of everyday life with which public policies impact our lives.
If we understand public policy decisions and decision-making processes adopted by Governments to solve problems of social relevance at a certain point, which of course change with the times and conditions in the country, it is easy to see that the factors that influence in the formulation of these policies are also variable and multiple.
If the problems of university education in the 90s were related coverage today refer to the quality, if years ago we discussed on the relevance of the divorce, today we have agreement of life as a couple and discussed on equal marriage If multilateralism is valued in the recent past and free trade today discussed on migration, for pointing out just a few examples of the evolution of social problems.
So, the decision taker or if the Government wants to formulate public policy or a decision can only be based on political criteria, that translates into accession citizen, perception, interest groups or social movements. Nor can rest on criteria exclusively technical, such as resources, comparative experiences, expert opinions, or statistics.
The quality of public policy and in particular its results will depend on the proper combination of both criteria, politicians and technicians to be successful. In other words the Government cannot act solely on the basis of willing majorities, but you can also do so without considering the data or experts, with greater recurrence of which we would like to, if not hear high-sounding phrases without content as the expressed with regard to the preventive control of identity for children under 14 years old, “who nothing makes, afraid of nothing”. Or latest fashion, without the political criterion, where dialogue, negotiation and persuasion are critical, Government not had been able to obtain the support of the Committee on Finance of the House of representatives to approve the idea of legislating reform tax.

Poured in this op-ed content is the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish

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