translated from Spanish: The CDMX PGJ apologizes for case of femicide

City of Mexico.-Lesvy Berlin Rivera Osorio, played the mandolin, was a student, and had 22 years of age when it may 3, 2017 was found dead, tied neck to a phone booth inside of University City. Two years later, the public prosecutor of the CDMX apologized to their families because it was not suicide as they ruled initially, was feminicidioUna apology public derived from recommendation 01/2018 the Commission on human rights of the City of Mexico by “lack of due diligence reinforced in the investigation of the possible Lesvy Berlin feminicide Rivera Osorio, and negligence in caring for their families” was what attorney general of Justice, Ernestina Godoy Ramos offered to parents of Lesvy metres away from where he was found dead at the UNAM. Apology on behalf of the Government of the city of Mexico who now heads the morenoite, Claudia Sheinbaum, because the case was marked by violations of due process, delays and obstructions to access to justice and the truth, violation of the right to integral staff, violation of their right to privacy and private life and re-victimization. 
A bitter apology
“Wasn’t suicide was feminicide”, thus began his speech during the solemn ceremony, Aracely Osorio Martínez, mother of Lesvy. With the breathy voice and the feeling to the skin surface, Aracely made it clear that an apology should go further and ensure there are no more cases with so many omissions, errors and obstacles to justice.” If the public apology offered today by the Attorney General is one committed Word will agree to accept it and want to say also that it is recommendation also includes the public apology from the Court of the Incifo (Institute of Sciences “Forensic) and who has acknowledged publicly, because we forced it, not prepared by the Lesvy necropsy properly, which did not follow the guide in cases of femicide”, said. Aracely, in pain, despair and thirst for Justice, was able to change things, because in the beginning, the authorities noted that Lesvy had committed suicide, argument that his mother never accepted, until he got that statement is changed and now her ex-boyfriend this next to face judgment by the ephemera of Lesvy.Justicia
“We are here to claim to Lesvy and honor their memory, to take on law enforcement and administration of justice system failed her and her family. To offer an authentic and heartfelt apology to the family of Lesvy Berlin Rivera Osorio and set our commitment with the restitution of their rights, the right of women to a life free of violence, with truth and justice,”said attorney Ernestina Godoy.Godoy, pointed out that this Act seeks to dignify the memory of Lesvy, as relatives and friends remember her. He described Lesvy as a young woman with a whole life ahead, solidarity and always caring.
Liked the little Prince and tales. The death of Lesvy is a crime that outraged and questions us as a city. We are facing a poorly researched crime, a poorly integrated folder and a case badly presented before the judges. A crime that was on the verge of unpunished

He said that this crime is sample of what happens in an environment of violence against women, in that it criminalizes them and harassing them in the streets, schools and work centers.
He said that at the time, the family found authority closed, insensitive, stigmatizing, unable to identify and promptly correct their mistakes. Unable to get the side of the victims and take their cause.
It was through his mother and family, and the solidarity struggle of thousands of women and civil society organizations that managed to re-direct this crime, reclassify it, and start the path to justice, of this crime which is a femicide. This is the reason that now summons us

The prosecutor admitted that the events and the procedural sequel to his research, showed the lack of a criminal investigation of the crime of femicide plan; the lack of training of the ministerial staff to investigate omission of authorities which procure and administer justice to serve so diligently, sensitively and with rights to indirect victims approach with a gender perspective. He also noted that the investigation of this crime showed public server persons with no capacity to safeguard data of test, chain of custody, the privacy and the dignity of the affected family. Godoy, argued that it will be attentive to research and track possible administrative responsibilities and penalties from people who attributed facts profusely documented in the recommendation.  Said that this Government assumes the guarantee of non-repetition, addressing the causes that gave rise to the issue of the recommendation; This implies a duty to act from the Attorney General, attacking the structural causes that generated the affront to the Rivera Osorio family and to the memory of Lesvy.Cabe noted that the head of Government did not attend this solemn act, since it was reported that hold cargo Head of Government of the CDMX public should respect the autonomy of the UNAM, as the event was held in the Auditorium of the engineering Tower located inside University City. 

Original source in Spanish

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