translated from Spanish: Students of the ITM collaborate in project to treat water of the trail of Morelia

Morelia, Michoacán.-Skylark Rangel Alvarado and Ana Maria Martínez, students of biochemical engineering, of the Technological Institute of Morelia (ITM), “José María Morelos y Pavón”, carry out the research project: “Biochemical and Molecular characterization of A bacterial consortium coming from the anaerobic treatment of the Residual water from the Morelia trail.
The undergraduate students are advised by Doctor Juan Carlos González and collaborate with professors researchers of the Master of Environmental Engineering of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo: M.C. Julio César Jacuinde Ruiz, Doctor Ma. Del Carmen Chávez Parga and Doctor José Carolar Cortés, who developed a bioreactor to treat the residual water generated in the trail, in order to achieve greater speed of anaerobic digestion, in which bacteria degrade organic matter to Be more easily degraded.
This biochemical Molecular characterization project was registered and financed by the national technological of Mexico.
The research work of the students of the ITM consisted in isolating the bacteria from the residual samples that were given to them by the PhD student Julio Jucuinde, in this way, in the ITM, the students will characterize, biochemically, the Metabolism and affinity for substrates for bacterial growth; As well as perform the molecular characterization of some of the important bacteria and involved in anaerobic fermentation.
Rangel Alvarado recalled that her job is to identify the bacteria that make the degradation process faster, in order to lay the foundations to form a new inoculum that accelerates decomposition.
The students, who have about two years analyzing the bacteria, commented that the smells that emerge from the municipal trail are annoying for the locals, but with their collaboration in this research project, contribute to the study and Bioprospecting of bacteria that can help to make the process more efficient in the treatment of residual water.
They pointed out that the project represents waiting time, as well as an important effort because not all microorganisms can be isolated and characterized molecularly, to achieve this require days to achieve the result; Currently five samples taken from the kinetics of fermentation in bioreactor were evaluated.
For his part, the consultant and researcher, expressed that lark and Ana isolated some of the microorganisms that are intended to increase the efficiency of the fermentation process and thus initiate with the biochemical and molecular characterization for Make the anaerobic fermentation process more efficient.
“Direct application can impact the environment because it will try to reduce the polluting tributaries that are originated in the municipal trail.”
Source: Expresso Monitor

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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