translated from Spanish: Nahir Galarza was left without a lawyer: he resigned his defender

A few days ago leaked the contents of a letter written by Nahir Galarza, sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of her boyfriend. The dissemination of the content of that text, which the young Entrerriana had thought to present at the time of surrendering to justice after assassinating Fernando Pastorizzo, would have been the cause of the decision of attorney Horacio Dargainz.Se is the lawyer who defended from A first moment to Galarza, task of which he desists now. He started formal proceedings in Concordia courts and asked for the regulation of his professional fees. What Nahir said in that letter
The writing has 11 points and there the girl details the facts of violence that her boyfriend would have exerted against it that fateful December 29, 2017, even the days before the crime. “When I arrived, I knocked on the door and aggressively began to wonder why I did not answer the calls,” says Nahir in the letter where he maintains that Fernando did not stop insulting her screaming and agreed to take her home. “He was getting violent and I had to do what he wanted. And besides, I didn’t like to see it that way in that unrecognizable state.
“He got violent.” “He grabbed my hair and kept telling me very serious insults that I don’t want to repeat because I’m ashamed,” he continued.

These data that were not contemplated as evidence in the trial, could change the fate of the 20-year-old in the first reviewing instance of the ruling, one year after his sentence. ” It was written by her, telling her experiences during the hours of the tragic event, and she did it during the minutes before being delivered to the prosecutor’s office, “confirmed Jorge Zonzini, former spokesman for the Galarza family.
“He braked suddenly and I got shot. I didn’t think it was loaded or not. I crouched to look at it and I was surprised by the second shot “The young woman insists, although the skills then contradicted her.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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