translated from Spanish: Pension reform: Piñera calls to approve the project and the opposition puts 10 conditions

The President of the Republic Sebastián Piñera made a Fervi A call to Congress to approve its pension reform, faced with criticism of the opposition that designed a request of 10 points as “minimum floors” to approve the idea of legislating.
“From the bottom of the heart I want to ask the parliamentarians that this Wednesday, once and for all approve a reform of pensions,” said the president in an activity in a clearing box, where he went out to defend this project. The president himself took the flags to get ahead of the initiative, and stressed that “every day that remains pending in Congress, means one more day of waiting for 2.6 million Chilean men and women who dedicated their lives to work.”
The opponent request
In opposition, legislators from the chamber’s working Committee designed a document containing 10 minimum conditions to be met in order to vote in favour of the idea of legislating.
The minimum floors contemplated by the opposition consider the immediate increase in pensions by at least 20%, including elements of solidarity to increase the contribution rate, the role of the State and its strengthening, a representation of the affiliates That contributes to their greater social participation, and the extension of the solidarity pillar to cover 80% of the families.
They also require sustainable financing, the creation of a new public institution that administers any additional contributions, changes to the contributory system and the system of consultations and offers of pension amounts that allow to establish a A single collection system where the AFP is completely excluded, moving towards a comprehensive system of people with dependence, and a deep reform of the armed Forces pension system, so that there is greater equity in relation to the civil system.
The Committee on the work of the Chamber of Deputies is mostly composed of opposition parliamentarians, so the adoption of the points established by the Government plays an important role for the future of the initiative.
“We are available to build an agreement on the basis of these shared principles across the opposition, so the ball is now held by the Government and we hope that they will incorporate our approaches and give us guarantees to move forward in the Proceedings, “said the chairman of the Working Committee of the Lower house, Raúl Soto (DC).
The opposition also highlighted the joint work deployed, which takes a short time from the deep division of the sector that caused the approval of some democratacrtistianos to tax reform of the government. Since the left aims not to revive this situation now in the matter of welfare.

Original source in Spanish

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