translated from Spanish: Artisanal fishing women make intense struggle to visualize their contribution in the sector

This May 19 is celebrated on the day of the artisanal fishing, a special date in this month of sea, and is that in Chile there are a total of 89,577 people who are registered in the Artisanal fishing register (RPA) of SERNAPESCA, figure that includes M 21000 women, which is equivalent to 24% of the total sector. The main work of women in artisanal fishing includes the same extractive collection of resources, as well as divers, shipowners, shore gatherers, alghero and smokers among other tasks. According to the Register, the regions that have the most female participation are the Biobío and the lakes, with 5000 and 10000 women registered respectively. That is why in the region of Biobío the Regional network of Women of artisanal fishing was created, an organization that brings together fishermen, smokers, gatherers, divers and alghero assistants from the coastal edge of the Biobío, from Tomé to Tirúa. Sara Garrido, president of the fishermen and Alghero Union of Caleta Coluimo, and president of the Association of Women of artisanal fisheries in the region of Biobío, commented that the network was formed in April 2018 due to the need to install gender issues Q The EU were not included in the Fisheries Act. “We constitute ourselves with the support of the PRODEMU Foundation because we believe that it is the opportunity that we have to be able to work together with the Ministry, in some articles that can be incorporated in the new fishing law since the law of the year 2013 did not consider the topic of Géner Or, being indebted to us, “said the Dirigenta. Among the main demands of the network are the application for the opening of gender offices in fisheries institutions, such as sub-fisheries, where women can set up their subjects and have resources and professionals to support Development of women engaged in the sea. For this they held a working meeting in Santiago with the Minister of Women and Gender equality, Isabel Plá and the Undersecretary of fisheries Eduardo Riquelme and the national director of PRODEMU, Paola Diez. Among its projections are the organization’s continued Growing and becoming a national network of artisanal fishing women. So far they have kept in touch with women from other regions who are working and have similar demands. “Women of fishing are one at a country level, we are all linked to the same, where the sacrifice, the effort, the support are closely linked, there are a range of opportunities that the sea gives us, so that the options for the development of women are varied.” Of the total number of registered women 19,204, that is to say, about 90% is dedicated to the collection, especially of algae. 51% of women belong to an organization, which is equivalent to 10.766 members, who have an average age of 42 years. 66% of them declare that their educational level reached is basic education and only 34% have completed the middle school. On the other hand, 90% feel and declare to be head of household, because it organizes and supervises all the activities in your home and because it contributes with the highest percentage of income. Sara says that her relationship with PRODEMU was born in the years 2003 and 2004, “PRODEMU has accompanied us to become a positioned organization and concrete projects, which meant that the network of women could take the experience that we had As a syndicate and develop a joint work, “Sara added. For director PRODEMU, “Our work with them seeks to accompany and promote their associative processes, since we have the conviction that social participation is the main tool of cultural transformation to overcome the gender gaps present in Fishing and in all areas of the economy, “he said. Sara concluded by pointing out that “women want to have a say in the fisheries organizations and unions, that we can be part of the executive boards, the decision making and not just be a number more, that ends up in a union run by Men. ”

Original source in Spanish


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