translated from Spanish: This is the free plan to operate the “apron Guatita”

In Chile many people suffer from having excess skin in the abdomen. The so-called “apron Guatita” affects more than 200,000 Chileans and Chileans and is not only related to pregnancy, but to people who have had drastic weight losses that have left them with excess skin flaps that can weigh 5 kilos. This affects the state of mind, social life and relationship of couples. It’s not just an aesthetic issue, it’s self-esteem and dignity. Therefore, the sub-Secretariat of healthcare networks with a team of medical specialists from the Chilean Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP) conducted a clinical protocol, called the Abdominoplastías resolution Plan, to select 974 people who The aforementioned operation may be carried out free of charge in the public system during the beginning of June. ” In general, people who require a tummy tuck are already catastratadas in their health services and the plastic surgeon teams have targeted patients with an apron abdomen. We have identified more than 100,000 patients, what will be produced now is the selection, “said Luis Castillo, assistant secretary of Networks for the latest news. During these months several technical tables have been held in different parts of the country to The reconstructive abdominoplasty pilot program, in order to coordinate the beneficiaries of the first surgeries, whose budget was allocated through the approval of a glossary of $2.5 billion in the 2019 budget law. For those interested in the Profit can postulate its meets the following requirements: To be patient of the public system (beneficiaries of Fonasa A, B, C and D), to be less than 55 years with body mass index (BMI) less than 30, to have between 55 and 65 years of age with Body mass index (BMI) less than 27 , To have No more than two pre-existing chronic diseases, to have medical control of the preexistences, the patient’s abdomen should cover the pubic area. Hospitals that will offer the hospital benefit of Arica (Arica), Dr. Ernesto Torres Galdames (Iquique), Dr. Leonardo Guzmán (Antofagasta) San Juan de Dios (La Serena) San Pablo (Coquimbo), Dr. Eduardo Pereira Ramírez (Valparaiso), San Juan de Dios (Los Andes), Regional of Rancagua (Rancagua), San Juan de Dios de Curicó (Curicó), Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente (Concepción), Higueras de Talcahuano (Talcahuano), Dr. Hernan Henríquez Aravena (Temuco), Regional de Valdivia (Valdivia), Base of Osorno (Osorno), Dr. Lautaro Navarro Avaria (Magallanes), Del Salvador (Metropolitan Region), El Carmen Dr. Luis Valentin Ferrada (Metropolitan Region), San Borja-Arriarán (Región Metropolitana), Barros Luco Trudeau (Metropolitan Region), Dr. Félix Bulnes Cerda (Metropolitan region), Dr. Sótero of the River (metropolitan region), Dra. Eloísa Díaz Insunza (Región Metropolitana). The selection will be made gradually, and it will benefit those men and women classified in abdomen of type 5 (i.e. they have enough excess of skin). The Guatita Apron Chile published on its Facebook some details and qualms that it has with the plan because it would only work in public health and patients already registered.

Original source in Spanish

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