translated from Spanish: “Let It Be Law”: the film about abortion that dyed the Festival of Cannes Green

Says Juan Solanas himself that in the night the Senate voted against the law of abortion safe and free, began his idea of touring all of Argentina to raise awareness of the reality of a scourge in health, which became one of the flags of the R Feminist evolution of the country. This Saturday and after several months of work, the director presented his documentary “That is Law” at the Festival de Cannes and made it at full blast. Accompanied by actresses and activists, they had the red carpet of the traditional world film event with flags and the characteristic green scarves.
The Cry in the sky of “legal abortion, safe and gratuitous”, the fight of feminism and the participation of Hollywood actors who joined the fight, the images inside the halls and on the outskirts toured the world and Visibilizaron, once again , the claim.
Among those who accompanied the son of Pino Solanas, the names of Nelly Minyersky, 89 years old and one of the historical leaders of the movement, and also of Norma Cuevas, the mother of the deceased young Ana Maria Acevedo, a case that turns 12 years and which was one of the D Etonantes of the movement.
Taking advantage of the exhibition of the Festival de Cannes, from other countries of the world mark that the fight is not only for Argentina, but extends to all Latin America and the Caribbean, where abortion is only legal in Uruguay, Cuba and Mexico City, and the fight in this Two united, where the movement arose again before conservative laws. In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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