translated from Spanish: 30419 Jobs generated in April, records the IMSS

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) recorded in April the creation of 30419 formal jobs; In total, the Institute has registered in the country 20,000,000,378.927 jobs, 85.5% permanent and 14.5% eventual.
The monthly employment creation in April of this year was influenced by the fact that Easter was given this month, explained the IMSS.
“By correcting this seasonal effect, the monthly employment creation in April is higher than the average increase reported in the April with Holy Week of the previous ten years (26.451),” he explained in his statement.
“Employment variation in the last 12 months is 504.821 posts, equivalent to an annual rate of 2.5%”.
According to the IMSS data, the annual increase in employment was driven by the agricultural sector with 5.8%, transport and communications with 4.9% and transformation with 3.2%.
The states with the highest annual increase were Nayarit, Queretaro and Campeche, with an increase of more than 5.5%.
Downward trend
The specialists in Mexico, how are we doing? They pointed out that the accumulated figure between January and April of formal employment, already with the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is the lowest since 2013.
“Formal employment generation has slowed since August 2018, and continues with this downward trend. During April, employment generation grew 2.54% per annum, the lowest rate since March 2010, when it grew 2.15%, “they added in their analysis of the IMSS figures.

#Infobite formal employment generation has slowed since August 2018, and continues with this downward trend.
During April, employment generation grew 2.54% per annum, the lowest rate since March 2010, when 2.15% grew:
— Mexico, how are we doing? (@MexicoComoVamos) May 19, 2019

And in young people building the future…
With a cut to 30 April, the Government reported, the secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) records a number of 420,618 people linked to the youth program building the future.
These young people, he explained, already chose a work center, “of which 281,989 already have medical service in the IMSS and the rest of the young apprentices started training on May 1.”
On 17 May, in response to INEGI figures, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he has information that there are more job opportunities in the country than those reported by that institute.
Read > > #SemáforoEconómico: March 2019, Worst job generation month since 2009
Specifically, he said that the scholars who are in the youth program building the future and 200,000 in the tree planting program are not incorporated or are not registered in the IMSS figures; However, in his communiqué on April the IMSS did give the data of young people building the future with medical service in the institute.
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Original source in Spanish

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