translated from Spanish: Not to be poor, a mendocine family needed $27,463.48 per month

From the DEIE (Directorate of Statistics and Economic Research) made public on Tuesday, the data on the Basic Basket. For a mendocine-like family, i.e. four members, the monthly income had to exceed $27,463.48 to avoid falling into poverty.  In order to conclude in this number, the Total Basic Basket is measured, which represents the set of goods and services that meet the common needs of the population, taking into account the consumption habits of a given population. Therefore, households with an income lower than the value of the CBT are considered poor.  Which suffered a 3.6% increase in just one month. However, to not pass the destitution line, it took $10,324.62 in May. The Basic Food Basket (CBA) is the set of goods that meet people’s nutritional needs, taking into account the consumption habits of a given population. Therefore, households with an income lower than the value of CBA are considered extreme poor or destitute. In this note:
Basic Basket

Original source in Spanish

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